I try to launch AirioScript v 5.07 but I have this problems
Warning: file() [
function.file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in
............../script.php on line
Warning: file(direct link to Airio.sta.cr.txt) [
function.file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in
............../script.php on line
Warning: file() [
function.file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in
............../script.php on line
Warning: file(direct link to Airio.sta.un.txt) [
function.file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in
............../script.php on line
Airio Script v5.0.7 by mc0676: DB Updated SuccessFully
line 21 -> $var2 = file($file);
line 159 -> $var3 = file($file2);
i changed script.php file permision is 774 is it correct?
Does this warnings mean that server where is AirioScript block files or there where are cr.txt and un.txt?
In config.php i have
$file = "here direct link to Airio.sta.cr.txt";
$file2 = "here direct link to Airio.sta.un.txt";
Had anybody that kind of problems?