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Hubson PL
S2 licensed
.. and open window to feel speed and put burning tire next to chair to play in 4D ... its cheaper
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
amd athlon x2 64 5600+ (2,9 GHz), 2GB RAM, GF 9600 GT, screen 1920x1080, detailes maxed...
i had pressed print screen for 10-15 seconds and frame droped by (max) 5 (all time above 85)

Hubson PL
S2 licensed
1 36 4 with hardtrack setup but after 10 laps i cant still use breakes in this setup :O
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Quote from The Alien :how quick the "pros" can go with the default setup?

I'm not PRO but PROs do not use default setups. Am I right?
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Quote from Xone :LFS is death since 2009

and I see u still play as You called it "death" lfs ...
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Quote from :I think 11-11-11 is a funny date actually.

six of the same numbers in a row happens only once every hundred years

The fock! *just realizes something...* Going to be a very important friday then... Hhhhmmmmm

11-11-11... is it in Earth date or Marsian ? nvm.... it's less than 1 month... cool
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Quote from mbutcher :Scawen, why do you allow the use of 896 objects and not a round number like 1024?

made me smlie... from when 1024 is "round" number? I was sure for whole my life that "round" numbers are 10, 20 ...
Maybe u fot about round power ot 2? (2^10 ? )
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :
You've to ask to your hosting the direct web link to airio files.

Hi Michele
I have in my config direct link as in your example. I tried even put that links to place where are warnings (line 21 and 159) but situation is same
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
I try to launch AirioScript v 5.07 but I have this problems

Warning: file() [function.file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in ............../script.php on line 21

Warning: file(direct link to [function.file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in ............../script.php on line 21

Warning: file() [function.file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in ............../script.php on line 159

Warning: file(direct link to Airio.sta.un.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in ............../script.php on line 159
Airio Script v5.0.7 by mc0676: DB Updated SuccessFully

line 21 -> $var2 = file($file);
line 159 -> $var3 = file($file2);

i changed script.php file permision is 774 is it correct?

Does this warnings mean that server where is AirioScript block files or there where are cr.txt and un.txt?

In config.php i have
$file = "here direct link to";
$file2 = "here direct link to Airio.sta.un.txt";

Had anybody that kind of problems?
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
cant download it Says Page was not found
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
great. thanks
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
Hi. You need to set anialiasing to higher value. Just press shift+o when u are in shift+u mode, then choose 'graphics' and set 'fullscene antialiasing' to the max. FPS will drop down but You are making "shots" so they are static so FPS doesnt matter. Cheers
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
why do U complain? if LFS is not satisfayin U so maybe U should leave that game... it would be better for LFS community.
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
I have FF 3.5.5... Instalation process was ok. File association works. Join2LFS works. = nothing bad to report
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
true true... i've never played longer in other "demo" as long as i've played in LFS... TBH LFS Demo is like "full game" ... ofcoz S1 or S2 gives more combinations of car/track (up to 940 in S2 - if i'm right). So Demo Racers.. save money for S2 license. Good luck and see You on track.
Hubson PL
S2 licensed
muscle car 4 sure and some real fast car: veyron or koenigseg