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S2 licensed
Or maybe his account has been hacked ? Can someone explain what a ban file in LFS does or means . Seems i have a folder with the name (move) in LFS folder
dont recall it having files in it ? ..
Unable to log into LFS account /and Game
S2 licensed
updated the game with the new 06.? version and it ran it then i tried to get into game and unlock s2 lic says user not found . reset gamepassword and now lfs net is all screwed up on my account name
help !
thanks again 4your hard work

Woops its ok now had to wait couple hrs and come back and its ok now
was able to unlock LFS S2 again

:turtle2::turtle2:thanks from the Turtles
Last edited by Mr.Turtle, . Reason : solved
Freedom of Choice!
S2 licensed
Quote from dauwe :don't tell me thinks like that. watch your join date and watch @ mine. if you are using lfs about 7 years and everytime you listen to empty words i think you will say the same. and b.t.w. we all paid for S2 FULL and not for any alpha or beta... if you just want to use an alpha version, it's your choice, not mine.

Ok maybe its all about a choice "

Dont see why more guys who know about game developing or track creation ,
physics etc... dont offer to help the LFS Team .

I might be old and gray before they finish S3 ! but why complain .

Get up off your ASS and do something to help :something
S2 licensed
found this site to be ful of info OLD and dusty " ... oystick.html#introduction
hope this can help somebody
S2 licensed
there is a place called the internet ! that has them if you look up the right words=
a adapter 7female => 15male thought id looked this up and they have them $13-$15
on ebay or somewhere hope this helps ... /WMFFUSBSerialAdapter.png
Last edited by Mr.Turtle, .
S2 licensed
I think LFS is fine ! Keep up the Great Work we all expect from U guys .......NOW ........
Got to have it NOW society ............. Quit complaining ! or do it yourself Maybe....
Spoiled brats arent we ALL
S2 licensed
TBO driver mostly some GTI ,No drift or cruise . sprint racer . who is always last
happy to just be here
S2 licensed
Im always popping in the tbo server its 1 onf my favorite LFS servers .
The cars are all capable of good racing but depends on the driver
which sure isnt me.................hehehe
The racers on any of the R2R servers is always respectful Gents
who are there to have fun and be competitive with each other.
see you there
S2 licensed
Have a little better ability to handle TBOs rather than the GT 4 now
S2 licensed

This should help some !

Technical assistance: section above Good luck
S2 licensed
Another One bites the dust!!!! Dam Aliens anyhow trying to bring a wormhole here
without the proper permits " Russians dont play that game they blasted them Aliens
S2 licensed
OH I new that was coming !
Your smoking pot is killing off our brain cells . Thus causing us to say its Global Warming!

Just kidding !

P/S If you flat spot your cars tires smoke will be seen in the mirrors .
little puffs of white smoke
Last edited by Mr.Turtle, .
S2 licensed
I understand this is NOT" the complaint department .
the thing i am seeing is the blurred or distorted cars when selecting vehicles
since the new patch = how now brown cow ?????. other than that great job on the new patch
S2 licensed
Why be sad ? Your moving on with the dreams that you have for yourselfs.
Nothing wrong with that .

And the SCCC is going through a change ,like we all go through in life .
They will miss you both I am sure .

P/S Yes Good friends are hard to find also ....count your blessings Guys
S2 licensed
your doing Great job !!
S2 licensed
Ok thanks Dadge and problem has not happened as of yet ? weird.
S2 licensed
Well its supposed to be basic DSL whatever that means!!!! Has anyone tried using the ingame [shift-f8] debug . And could it help my connect speed
S2 licensed
Ok so Im slow from the start and the rest of the race but i finish

And yes Europe is far away , wil just have to live with it 4 now
Last edited by Mr.Turtle, .
ISP lagg or ??
S2 licensed
Im guessing this has been stckied somewhere? anyways when on certain servers cars dissappear (lag) over head somedrivers crash others seem to handle it better . entering server drivers start crashing but no lagg message is shown /ran speedtestURL=][/URL]
S2 licensed
Sounds like its mostly Popeyes Fault !...we are all here ..... just like our dads
S2 licensed
How long should i hold my breath .........................................................................
if no response by friday ill remove it ok. thanks for the opportunity
S2 licensed
Thanks Gianni,
Wanted you all to know why SCCC is a Good Group .
1/2 yr ago i was lowly S1 driver searching for fame and fortune , [not really] But i found a server with a respectful driver who didnt mind helping the NOOBs,[ SCCCs -
Popeye ]thanks for the help and Am now S2 lic . take care Guys.
FXR personal skin w/attach
S2 licensed
So here we go
I wanted to paint a FXR with the logos i have attached . with the same colors as the (mynew1jpg ) neon green = body = top with a shell design
thats brown .

put the turtlewax logos on hood
and the name turtle on the sides in red same as logo
used to have the pic of the car but its gone along with hard drive
I would try to send u a box of Sees candy if possible
Last edited by Mr.Turtle, .
S2 licensed
Good group of Gents at SCCC .
S2 licensed
Ok gave it a day before going back to LR race center #1
went back to see if i could just drive xfg and not get yellow warning "
thanks Guys
didnt mean to piss in anyones shoes YET