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Flame CZE
S3 licensed
- Un-mirrored rear side door to right side only
- Two base configs so far: passenger and van (more to come later with different headlights and grille)

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Optimized tris to fit within the limit, now beginning with texture mappings

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Good that you got it sorted.
Quote from vitateo :I didn't find any link to download the game, so I download the first link I see.

I'm wodnering, where did you find the download link in the end? It's quite surprising to me that you couldn't find the download link when there's a big button saying "FREE GAME DOWNLOAD" on the LFS home page, and a "DOWNLOADS" link as well. Uhmm

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Bad LOD2
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Bad LOD2
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
bad LOD2
Last edited by Flame CZE, .
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Great mod! Smile

Please update the car screenshots, as Pasci said, it looks much better in game now.

Also, the engine sound is kinda clipping, it can get a bit annoying at times e.g. in garage or tunnels, do you think you can tweak it a bit?
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Quote from NENE87 :Why i can't see the "Patch test" threads on the forum? Blue text color is further away than the others (with oculus DK3).

Here is the reason:
Quote from Scawen :The new option is available for testing in the test patch forum, which I have left hidden for now.

The trouble with test patch threads is too many people get a strange idea in their head that it is a general off topic request thread. But I'm far too busy on the development version, and cannot be distracted. If I get off topic requests on that thread, I will close it.

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
You can use the following InSim packets:

A car hitting a wall: IS_HLV

// ...other connection options
Flags: InSimFlags.ISF_HLV // enable receiving IS_HLV packets

inSim.on(PacketType.ISP_HLV, packet => {
console.log(packet.HLVC === HLVCViolation.WALL); // wall hit

Car to car contacts: IS_CON

// ...other connection options
Flags: InSimFlags.ISF_CON // enable receiving IS_CON packets

inSim.on(PacketType.ISP_CON, packet => {
console.log(packet.A.Speed); // speed of car A
console.log(packet.B.X); // X position of car B

Layout object collisions: IS_OBH

// ...other connection options
Flags: InSimFlags.ISF_OBH // enable receiving IS_OBH packets

inSim.on(PacketType.ISP_OBH, packet => {
console.log(packet.Index); // object index

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Quote from TheStigUSA :Today, I modeled up a little battery meter and implemented it into the dash. I tried to calibrate it as well as possible, it's reasonably accurate. I think it looks pretty good!

How does it work?
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Can you please upload the images as attachments instead of using a 3rd party service (Imgur)? Then they will be stored here forever and won't be removed if the Imgur goes down.
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
The new steering wheel option works well for my MOZA R3 wheel, I'm getting the bump stops now. Thanks for the quick fix Smile
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Quote from cuni :I know it should be plug'n play but as way to debug quickly...

I tried this and it didn't help - it still shows up as a joystick (first person controller in LFS).

This is the output from USBTreeView:

++++++++++++++ HID Information +++++++++++++++
Manufacturer : Gudsen
Product : R3 Racing Wheel and Pedals
Serial Number : 2A001D001151333033333434
UsagePage : 0x01 (Generic Desktop Controls)
Usage : 0x04 (Joystick)

Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Anyway, I've thought of a possible interface, to allow the user to override the reported device type, see attachment.

What if the "First person controller" text itself became a clickable button?
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
I unplugged the G27 so only the MOZA R3 is plugged in, but still I don't get any bump stops.
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Okay, then something must be wrongly configured on my end and it's probably not a bug. Thanks, I will have another look. I have connected both my G27 and the Moza right now, maybe that could cause the issue?
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
When I set the wheel rotation manually in Moza Pit House software, it works perfectly as you describe. But I want LFS to automatically set the rotation for each car so I don't have to jump into MPH and adjust the rotation manually every time I change the car.

The wheel turn compensation set to 1.00 (max) makes sure the physical wheel turn always matches the in-car steering wheel, provided that the max is set to at the actual max angle or more.

Here's an exaplantion from Scawen. Point 1) applies in my case:
Quote from Scawen :It actually isn't very complicated. Wheel turn compensation (which is recommended to be set to max) does two different things depending on if the game controller wheel turns more or less than the in-game car wheel.

1) Game controller wheel can turn more than the simulated car steering wheel:

Perfect match is possible.
Game controller wheel stops turning (a 'stop force' is applied) when simulated car steering wheel reaches limits.

2) Game controller wheel can not turn as much as the simulated car steering wheel:

Perfect match is not possible.
Non-linear approach is implemented.
Steering wheel turn amount matches in the middle, but simulated car wheel turns more as you increase the steering angle.

NOTE: This relies on the "Wheel turn" setting in Options - Controls matching your controller wheel turn degrees. E.g. if your game controller turns 900 degrees, then "Wheel turn" must be set to 900.

This worked well with my G27 - I could feel a bump stop when I reached the maximum lock angle of the given car.

For demonstration, here's a comparison of me turning the G27 wheel past its full lock and then the same with the MOZA R3. Pay attention to the FFB graph at the bottom right:

Last edited by Flame CZE, .
No FFB soft stop with a MOZA wheel base
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
I've upgraded from a Logitech G27 to a MOZA R3 wheel base and I found that I don't get the FFB stop in LFS anymore.

My settings are still the same as recommended:
- Wheel turn set to 1080° in the wheel software as well as in LFS
- Wheel turn compensation: 1.00

When I turn the wheel past the car's natural wheel rotation, there's no FFB stop at all.

I don't know if it's a bug in LFS or somewhere in the MOZA wheel's software.
Last edited by Flame CZE, .
Button scopes
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
While developing an InSim app for myself, I needed to show personalised buttons to each connection and human player on track. To abstract away having to assign the button UCIDs manually, I've introduced scopes in the React Node InSim library.

Here's a demo video with two LFS users:
- the "React NodeInSim" button is the same for all connections (UCID 255)
- the username buttons are different for each connection
- the player name buttons are different for each human player on track

Example code:

export function ScopesExample() {
return (
<Button top={0} left={80} height={5} width={40}>
React Node InSim
<UserNameButton />
<HumanPlayerNameButton />

Demo app source code
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
You can use data/script/[car name].lfs files to add /ff commands there (e.g. XRT.lfs). For mods the file must be named after the SkinID - C2EBCF.lfs for example.
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
He's like me
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense now.

I was going to add the number of triangles and points for each LFS car in the car infobox in LFS Manual (see the XF GTI manual page), but it's not as straightforward as it looked Big grin
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
In the modeller, when I select LOD3, the total number of output tris and points is different from the actual number of tris or points. You can see it in the screenshots where I select all tris and points. I think it should say 26 tris / 20 pts, but it says 36 tris / 46 pts. I don't know how those numbers are calculated.
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
There seems to be a bug when someone withdraws from an event, the forum post says there's total of 1 entry even though there are 42 entries.