How many of you actually used 720 degrees steering on road cars (full default steering freedom that is)?
I did (maybe that's why I handle collisions so badly)
Nope, I don't remember having any contact with you. But I do want to point out that Stefan acted very tank-like in the T1 (not to mention he spun me out in the first "be careful" chicane), that's just not right..
And I'd like a monetary compensation for that Rescue car thing
That is, time in both 24h and that am/pm thing (I keep wondering "is it morning or evening" every time)
Then there should always be GMT time (or UTC if you prefer). I had to actually look "BST" up on Wikipedia to find out that it's British bla bla bla when it actually is just GMT+1h
Not that I have a huge problem with that but why complicate things?
Seriously, what a lousy bug for a game like LFS.. Hope the devs resolve this issue. I see how moving the mouse every once in a while can hurt the (so few) mouse drivers but hey, do a check if the driver is using a separate set of controllers and whether he's in a race..
And no, I DONT want to just disable the screen saver. What if I'm using the screen saver to do some useful work (eg defragmenting hdd or running BOINC).
I've just repaired my shifter. It's NOT THE POT, it's the crappy thin wires, at least in my case. One of the yellow wires just split by itself. Resoldered the ends together and voila, like a brand new.
Neither of you had a significant overlap over me when the SC flag flashed. The only reason I slowed down was to not interfere with both of you as you were still racing - to not cause a crash. And I did look in the mirrors before braking
Well that's just as ignorant as it gets. And yes, I think replacing those pots would fix the problem. I had the famous "1/3/5 gear" problem and fixed it by doing some mods unrelated to electronics (decreasing free movement of the shaft). That worked for like 3 months. Time for a real solution.
Well here you go - there should be a sticky with a link to the calendar (or did I miss it?)
And no I didn't mean every single competition available, just maybe a couple of short annotations with arguments why they're suitable for beginners (eg no 6 hours races, no very difficult to drive cars, easy tracks etc) that would get updated once a month or so.
I seriously think there should be strict regulations about SC period. Something like 5 pos penalty for each bump (unable to maintain safe distance during SAFETY car) and of course in case of an accident immediate disqualification
I think there should be some kind of "beginners guide to cups" or something. Like what competitions are the most beginner-friendly. What's already available, what will be. I read some of the threads about cups but:
a) there are just too many of them and they all look similar
b) even after reading some about each, sometimes I think "ok, so it's season 3... OF WHAT?"
So a list with short annotations would be nice. And if such info is already available, make it more available coz I haven't been able to find it.
P.S. Oh yeah and I did try the LFS Beginners Cup, far too amateurish and wild for my tastes.
It is you responsibility not to bump into me. And somehow I managed to avoid the "unavoidable"..
It's all fine warming you tyres, just make sure you don't loose your concentration.
As for the spinning during SC, the rulebook states:
And well if I spin because someone cause an accident during SC? Then find myself last or worse - stuck in the sand? I mean, such situations are not supposed to happen at all (havent seen any in RL), but loosing all your positions doesn't seem fair.
Mutt - far too aggressive when overtaking, constantly bumped me in the beginning.
StefanAlfons - overtaking during SC, overtook at least 2 cars.
OPC ROB - did all kinds of silly maneuvers during SC, bumped me a couple of times, crashed me out of the racetrack (!), then delibeately prevented me from returning to my position, still in SC.
After that I had to do loong pitstop, took a deep breath. Then resumed the race and overtook ROB cleanly.
After about an hour of practice I got 1.44.8 with some small mistakes and 20% in tank. Pretty OK for someone who has never driven a formula seriously before
One weird thing I noticed that R2/R3 not only last longer than R1 but the handling is better too.