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Paranoid Android
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Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
If this interests you there is an IAMA post on Reddit by one of the creators: link
(IAMA= I am a ... AMA= Ask me anything)
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Had an awesome Casio, with 'keyboard' on it, when i was a kid, worked flawlesly, battery literally worked like 10 years.. but since then i don't wear them. Wanted to buy one recently, but they make them so damn huge now! they all look redicolous on my skiny hand

I have good news for you! The Casio with the calculator was my first watch when I was 10. Now at 24 it had almost been 10 years I wasn't wearing a watch, but I saw it on someone's hand outside and I remembered!
Went on eBay and bought it brand new for 7E from Hong Kong.
I love it! Go for it just for kicks. The prices are ridiculous. Casio Ca-53 eBay search

Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :$114.99?!

Is that normal for a game?!
Over here it's £30-40 for a game.
I know the £ is worth more then the $ but i didn't realise it was that much!

1 Australian dollar = 0.676371122 Euros
114.99 = 77 Euros

Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Hey, after reading these posts, i decided to get into Flight sims, have done before but not Joystick (sounds retarded huh?)

I was wondering if this is a good Joystick to start off with? ... evices/297&cl=roeu,en


I wouldn't buy one this expensive for starting out...

If I had to buy a cheap one to start I'd buy this one. It's only 30 euros here and very good.
Force feedback isn't necessary in my and many others opinion, since it ain't realistic anyway.

Then if you really like it you can buy stuff the equivalent of a G25 setup at the same prices.
You'll never moan about iRacing being pricey again!
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Hmmm...I got fitter, stronger while having a girlfriend. It's supposed to be the other way around!

New Years Eve in New York, starting 2009 pretty well.

4 days later got a new little sister (half) who is adorable.

After this I lived for 6 months in Brazil, working 2 months, travelling the rest of the time. Did Carnaval in Rio, most of the Nordeste by car and learned photorealistic rendering with Vray in my free time, which is a great tool for architecture visualization.

After this I started my architecture diploma for 4 months, still 5 to go to be an architect!

I still didn't stop smoking though, so FAIL!

I decided to stop procrastinating, resulting in my working all day at school, having a bike as main transport, then hitting the gym, before playing with my band 2 times a week. MOST of all, my apartment is always clean! (this takes by far the most effort hehe)

The problem though is I don't have any free time anymore! I feel bad each time I fire up a game on my pc or watch more than one movie a week.

Feels good to write it down...I was under the impression I didn't do anything.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from runeman :You sound like you're doing good.

I'd practice on endurance then bother with speed.

Well technically it's not the speed I'm worried about. It's just that I'm already on a pretty tight schedule to worry about my fitness...Currently working on my architecture diploma, another Master presentation and in 1 month I'll have to worry about entertaining my girlfriend. Working everyday at school 9-19h, hitting the gym doing some weight-lifting and then cardio till 20h30. I then go home have a shower and eat which leaves me with 2 hours of personal time. I just can't afford to run more than 30 minutes everyday or I won't have a life!

Anyone else wants to become an architect?

Edit: Oh yeah, and biking in -4C. NOT so enjoyable.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Stich = breathing too shallow and too fast, breath slower and deeper, if you can't, means you are running too fast.

Knee = Improper footwear, you may have a biomechanic defect (over or underpronation) that needs correcting by proper running shoes.

Well this week I've started running on a treadmill (the road kills my legs, thank you mama and papa for my genetic defects). After 5 sessions I'm still crap, I run 5km in 30 mins, but I'm slowly getting used to it!

The only other exercise I'm getting is 14 km per day to and from uni on my bike (30 min total).

As far as the stitch goes, I had one in the lower left abdomen on my second session, and it started pretty quickly on the first minute or so. I tried to ride it out but it felt worse and worse so I stopped. Next day nothing. Must have been some sort of chemical imbalance in my body. So my advice is if you feel this go slower and if it's still there after some minutes stop and try next day!

As far as running goes what do you advise? Currently I'm trying to run the 30 min at a stable low speed (11km/h), and when I manage this properly without much effort I'll introduce some faster stints. Is this good or would it be better to try and do the whole 30 min at 12, then 13 etc?

I'm also eating very correctly, I better shed some weight (not overweight but damn those 4-5 kilos are hard to lose!) with this work out program!!! If I don't I GIVE UP!
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :I just woke up and had a nice surprise.

[11:53:04] <+Shadowww> .pre Dirt.2
[11:53:06] <+smartass> [PRE] Dirt.2-RELOADED [GAMES] [PRED @ 03.12.2009 03:21:03 (7h 31min 35sec ago)] [7680.00MB in 75 files]

Leeching from TL at 7.8MB/s :]

So what did they do? They removed dedicated servers too so now you have an excuse to show off you're pirating?

I'm not a hypocrit, everybody does it one way or another, a little or a lot, but showing off and thinking it's cool is actually very retarded.

I'm not against piracy, but kiddies that do not even understand the existing debate and load up on the ''freebies'' without a second thought disgust me.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :True, but it's nothing compared to PC piracy. Compare the sales of MW2, 55% on 360, 35% on PS3, and like 10% on PC.. This is actually one of the better scenarios, PES 2010 has like 3, 4 % of sales for PC..

Well you have to agree that it's quite a bit harder to pirate on a console no?

Anyway you absolutely cannot separate these communities as having a different code of ethics. Believe me if anyone with a console could download a game, mount it virtually and play it with no risk of getting his console banned they would pirate just as much. Especially with the insane console game prices.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Dailies are much easier - bin 'em at night and put in some new ones the next morning, but more expensive. With the others you have to take them out each night, clean them and stuff and put them back in in the morning. It's cheaper, but both me and my dad use daily disposables.

You know you can use them as long as they work properly right? The daily ones are essentially the same ones, just a taaad more fragile. It's all just marketing.

And this comes from my uncle who worked at a contact lenses company. He kept his ''daily'' ones at least 2 weeks and I do too. In 8 years not a single problem. Huuuge expense difference.

And don't worry about sleeping with them at night either. Just don't do it regularly. I kept them a week once because of a trip that didn't have any commodities, and again not a single problem, although that depends on the person. The only problem you can have is your eyes drying up, but depends on you. My sisters eyes dry up after 5 hours of use, mine after a week are still fine. (Yep you guessed it, pretty much everyone in my family has myopy.)
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Are you guys aware of any promotion so that I can try iRacing right now?
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from DratsaB :
OT but slightly related. I got Rise Of Flight recently and its fantastic, I recommend to any Flight sim fans.

I would have gotten it in a heartbeat but I still find it unacceptable to be able to play only if you have an internet connection constantly on. In the summer I go back to my home village for 2-3 months and while it can be very fun, at noon when everybody is sleeping and the sun raping your head I love to fire up my Fsx and Il-2 and fly. But you guessed it there is no internet there! So, no, I won't buy it until they value their customers more than they loathe pirates!
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
The official slogan is out!

Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Buy it now it will be the same price. 12p+12p+12p=S1+S2+S3
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Ger Roady :Thats the reason i dont play I-racing.
Maybe it is tommorow the reason i dont play lfs anymore

Well the reason you're not playing iRacing is that you have to pay to buy the track, AND pay the monthly fee to race, which you can't do at all if you stop paying. At least with Lfs you could have the track forever and ever and ever . I wouldn't mind buying them as they come, like I said before I think it's an efficient business model and doesn't give the slightest right for people to moan.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :I think that is the part you wanted to clarify the most.
Think i got your point but i reckon that it has always been like this.
Devs realease a new stage(S3 now)with just some of the final releases.
They do tell us that updates are to be expected but,obviously,they can't tell us the precise date on which the content will be added.
I think that everyone who is thinking to buy something has to read the conditions,and can't complain if development is slow.
Are there contents to be expected:yes.
Are they coming soon:no one knows,the variables are so much and they're not just related to the game itself.
My point is you can't complain about the amount of time,what is slow for you may be superfast for them,especially if we keep in mind that the group is only made out of 3 people.

The problem is your thinking is morally correct but logically flawed. Till now there was no expectation of more content, just more development of the software. The one time there was in S2 with the Scirocco you can see where that lead to. Till now criticism could be cut down to its roots because it had no right to exist. People had already got what they bought for, and the rest was just immaturity, misunderstanding or opinions on the general direction of the product in the future. If the devs make people buy a bit of content AND a promise of more content, they will open themselves wide open to criticism. I do NOT want that for them, but people would have the right to give their opinion in the product they invested in and have expectations from.

Again, I'm sure the devs have thought this through and will find a way to protect themselves if they haven't already. It is too simple of a loophole to miss.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :Why?
Is just the same old story in a different suit...
I don't like it,i want them to rush,not too many tracks,i want more,he wants less.
I mean,do you really think that acting like so is one of our rights?

Re-read it again. I didn't moan for an instant, nor have I ever in the 6 years I've followed Lfs. And I'm not about to...I'm just exposing the possible risks that this change will maybe bring, but on the other hand I'm sure Scawen will figure it out. What I'm saying is till now they were never exposed to any rightful criticism, and they should keep it that way. I've seen the lynching mob running around creating chaos in the forums far too many times to want them to have the slightest excuse to start over.

I fail to see what made you react that way in my post, other than your defending rage fest. But please read it one more time, and if you still don't get it, just ignore it.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
I don't find the new business plan bad, but the biggest problem I can see emerging from that is that people will now HAVE the right to moan if development is slow.

Till now people who payed for S2 didn't really have to right to moan because they bought what they could already have access to, with an added promise that things were going to evolve.

If now they buy S3 being able to access only one more track and a car, with the promise that more content will be added, they WILL have to right to moan that development is slow and that they want more cars and tracks faster. There has to be some kind of line drawn by Scawen when S3 is open for buying.

The only way I can see this working is saying that with the 12 pounds or so you will have the right additionally to only a track and a car, with MAYBE some others added in time (but again some people will feel they have the right to 2 and others the right to 6 add-ons). This may work but MANY people will feel it is expensive (not that I find that expensive). Or they just lower the prices, and start selling the tracks and cars separately as they come. This could be a win-win because everyone will buy them and it will pressure them to release more content to get the money flowing. And why not, with this business model they could contract people to do just one track or a car and get their cut.

Hope I made myself clear...
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Not idiot proof per say, but at least have some conherence, rather than just hoping the audience doesn't ask any questions.

The story is incomplete, there are areas that could have, and should have, been focused on more, we are asked to take too much "on faith".

I am still perplexed at this "fluid" thing, they have been searching for it for 20 years, and they find it on a scrap pile, where did it come from?.

Like I said, its a good film, but you can't argue it doesn't have plot holes.

Don't know about the plot hole but at least let me clarify it a bit for you...The fluid was stored in that cylinder over the 20 years. This fluid was the product of the liquid they found in pieces of their own tech. If you notice well, when we see them finding the last piece, they empty the can but only a drop comes out as the final product of the chemical reactions, filling subsequently what has taken 20 years to fill drop by drop. I guess this fluid must have been some sort of alien fuel that is used in different parts (small machines, strange tech), but needed to be condensed in order to be able to power the ship...
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Deep Survival, Who lives, Who dies, and Why.
Laurence Gonzales

Fantastic book about how the human body works under extreme stress conditions, and why some people survive while others don't. All the explaining is done in parallel with various incredible true survival stories, which renders the book very interesting!
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Well, from my amateur point of view, but as someone that has done two trackdays at Spa Francorchamps ( Mini Cooper S so not a trackday car):

The sessions there for the particular organization are generally limited at 25 minutes each. This allows the categories to rotate, but supposedly it's for the car to cool down too. I myself felt the car going bad after 20 minutes, tyres too hot, brakes fading etc...Still drivable and enjoyable, but I felt instinctively that the car was degrading permanently. But that is just my impression and I may stand clarified or corrected.

On another hand, there were several Porsche GT3 RS (trackday car) from a club there running with us, with their drivers seemingly professional and dressed like they were Sparco clowns. They were always going out on track after us, and when all the cars got back in the paddocks, they were there already drinking coffee. This triggered my curiosity so I went to discuss with them, and they told me that they got there so often, so they are mostly interested in laptimes at this level, and that the only laps valuable for a lap record were the third, fourth and fifth. Before, the car was too cold and after too warm, so there was no point running them after and degrading tyres or generally the car. So basically they did 13-15 minutes stints.
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Why are human beings any more important than animals? We all operate in the same way. We have thoughts, we react to our environment, we reproduce (although a lot shouldn't), and then we die. The main difference is that humans get taxed, and animals don't.

...and that thank god we don't get nutered...
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Butter cookies soaked in coffee!
Beer and peanuts!
Paranoid Android
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby : But also at this point I realised what idiot Belgian drivers are. No patience, getting stressed very quick etc..

I have lived in Greece, grew up mostly in Belgium, studied in France and now live in Brazil. I have driven in more than 15 countries in the world, mostly in Europe, and I can tell you with confidence, Belgians are by far the safest and most polite drivers of all. They respect their fellow drivers, and most of all, pedestrians. Actually it's one of the few countries that actually stop for pedestrians even if they're not obliged to.

Belgium is the ideal country to start learning to drive in my opinion. Roads are in perfect condition, traffic is relatively low. Then you move on to cities like Athens and Sao Paulo where chaos reigns to get your medal!