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[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from nick. :i like the idea of having another view on a second monitor, no matter what it's looking at. +1 for me

eRepublik - social strategy web game
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed

Quote :eRepublik combines both social networking and strategy into a single massively multiplayer online game where players can participate in a variety of activities. Citizens of the New World can be employees, own businesses, form political parties, vote in elections, become party presidents, members of Congress or country presidents, write newspaper articles and even go to war as citizens of virtual versions of real life countries. The game has very few visual elements and is primarily text-based in nature.

Upon joining a citizen picks which virtual country he wishes to join. Each of these countries is named after an actual country in the real world, and is located similarly. The citizen then seeks employment at a company within that country, and is allowed the opportunity to train as a soldier for that country. Training, and working at a company is done on a daily basis by a simple click of two buttons. One of the main drawing points of the website is that it takes a mere "14 minutes a day" to participate.

eRepublik Gold is a fictional currency used in the eRepublik World. It is the main reference point for all the local virtual currencies (examples: USD, GBP) and it is used to buy additional features (such as companies) within the New World. It can be obtained freely by reaching certain levels or achievements.

Economic Module

The economy is based on 12 branches: 5 "raw materials" (grain, diamonds, iron, oil, wood), 4 "manufacturing" (food, gifts, weapons, moving tickets) and 3 "constructions" (houses, hospitals, defense systems). Upon reaching a certain amount of Gold, citizens can purchase or create a company, thus enabling "general manager features": hire other citizens, set their wages, buy raw materials (in case of finished goods companies), set products for sale and buy export licenses (thus being able to sell products in multiple countries).

Politics Module

As simple citizens, players can join a party by reaching a certain level. Once they have joined a party, they can run for party presidency. If they convince their party colleagues to vote for them and they become the leaders, they can choose their party candidates for congress or presidency.

On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds the presidential vote, on the fifteenth the party president and on the twenty-fifth the congress elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a majority vote by the populace. When running for party president it will cost citizens 2 gold to run; anybody can run, provided they have the level requirements. The congress elections are a bit more complicated than the rest.

The party president selects a person from their party to run in each region against other parties' representatives, after which people living in that region vote. The percentage of people voting for a party determines the number of congressional seats the party gets, a total of 40 for a country. If someone ties a vote for the last seat eRepublik automatically chooses by referring to experience points.

War Module

In order to declare war on other countries, the president of the country proposes to the congress the declaration. If the vote passes, the two countries are at war and each region is attacked at the order of the president. If a country is completely occupied, an independence war can be started by any citizen of that region. Countries have to sign alliances every month in order to prevent being attacked by surprise.

News Module

Any citizen can create a newspaper in which he can publish articles. Other citizens can read these articles, vote them, comment on them or even subscribe to the newspapers of other citizens.


The role play of the New World consist of combining the capabilities of the above modules in order to reach one's goals and become leader in one or more domains. Citizens have to use newspapers in order to promote themselves, their companies, parties, or even countries. The congress of a country set taxes in order to enforce economic policies. In order to wage successful wars, the economy of a country has to sustain it and citizens have to be motivated.

This game is really interesting, you can spend your time trying to achieve what you want, to be a successful bussinesman, the president of your country or the strongest soldier of the world, in this moment there is a "eWorld War", the "Peace global community" is invading the USA and Canada, both members of the "Fortis" alliance, USA has already lost California in hands of Indonesia (most powerful country of the eWorld), colorado, utah, south-dakota and north-dakota in hands of Russia, and Tenesse and Georgia in hands of Portugal, Canada has also lost some regions in hands of France and the UK.

The true potential of the game is in the external forums of each country, there is where the future of the country is discussed, there are a lot of roles that are external of the game but not less important, like the ministers, ambassadors, etc

If you want to try this game please register with this link so when you reach level 6 i get some money I don't win anything if you only register and never come back, so beleieve me, this games is amazing, the possibilities are much bigger that what you think when you first see it

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
the question in the poll is wrong, it's obvious that religions exists, no one can deny that.. the question is if god exists!

my answer---> NO
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Lynce you are a genius :bowdown::bowdown:
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
it's a way of living
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
what you think???

i think you should think before posting
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
i saw that limo when bush came to montevideo

i didn't take that video
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from turbo dad :very arcade like .not impressed as a sim ,but good fun none the less

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from Rtsbasic :International postage would be expensive, as the box weighs approx 6KG, and is quite big. I'm sure once you added the postage on-top, it'd probably be cheaper to get one locally.

well, i don't know how much the postage costs, but here a new G25 costs USD 360, i think that £110 are like 160 dollars
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
too bad you can't send it to my country, that g25 is really cheap
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :i phail to see the phun in this here thread.

In before the lock anyways.

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :I'm not sure what you have in mind, the guy's name is stamped all over the 'net ever before since the game was actually released. If you google a bit you will find dozens of pieces of news where he mentions or talks extensively about iRacing, and from what I read about iRacing, half the people with an account has actually raced against him.

Now a person who has been called 'the most popular NASCAR driver', which if I'm correct, is actually the best known motorsport in USA, would really talk about or race incessantly a sim, only for fun?

Or if you like this better, are we all born yesterday?

If the guy hasn't some kind of deal with iRacing, then he is the only famous racer in the world who has nothing better in his life to do than free promotion.

And just to make this clear, people with the faintest trace of a popularity won't even do charity for free, much less spend their image on a business without having something in exchange.

PS: I'm still wondering how iRacing constitutes "General Racing Talk" since no real car is involved...

i think he wouldn't spend so much time in iRacing if he didn't do it for fun

General Racing Talk (8 Viewing)
Discuss anything related to racing here

it doens't say that it has to be real racing
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
wow, pretty impressive cockpit you have over there, beautiful wheel and shifter
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
wow, it must be very exciting to race with a racer like him

Quote from Luke.S :If that had been me i would have failed. I wonder what he would have said if i spun and put him out of a race. I'd say omg i'm so sorry. Oh and i'd also say to him to try lfs.

lol i would have done the same

Quote from Luke.S :I know there is one but i forgot.

try to remember please
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :We don't necessarily need to, if we happen to be lucky enough to choose our invasion at a time when he is online. (maybe someone, ill volounteer, could check on there at different times to get a rough pattern of when he is online on certian days) he will see 1 registered user and X amount of guests at the bottom of his forum. Could be a little fun. OMG!!!!11 Popularity!!!!1

there is one little problem, he already knows that he is popular ... isplay&num=1231221684 :P
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :You want it to feel/look like this (most impressive force dynamics video), especially if you're spending big money, and unless you have acute tunnel vision it just won't.

omg :jawdrop:
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
i liked the video
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Lewl LFS right by the door. "Hello"

"One moment I am drifting my XRT!"

G25 is so beautiful too bad that here it costs 360 dollars and i only have 60 dollars saved, i have to
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Just chill matey, i know jon, and i know for a fact that he would not mean anything in a nasty way, as more of a joke than anything. And why call him a bastard, he has parents, so that makes that particular insult a bit rubbish.I am mildly autistic myself so i do understand. I laugh at myself about it, makes me feel better.

i think it was a joke
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from furiously-fast :neither. All of them ain't my type of cars.

Oh btw,

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Some sort of Ritual?

"It's a tradition on Carnival in the town of San Juan Of Vega (State de Guanajuato in Mexico). People hangs a large detonator in the end of a hammer and they strike it violently against a metal plate placed on the ground, for it to explode."

First time i find something useful in youtube comments
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
i love the FO8, unfortunately it's impossible to drive it with mouse, or at least impossible to me