I renamed views.bin and started LFS and voila i'm back so I have the menu on screen. But then my computer started to crash when I changed from windowed to full screen view in LFS so I better slow down with my experimenting.
A BIG thank you to geeman1 and all of you guys helping me out.
In LFS settings I chose by accident the wrong number of monitors (2-1-1) at the multi monitor setup so my view is now pointing away from the menu so I can't see it on my screen and restore it.
In what LFS configuration file are the number of monitors stored on patch Z25?
EDIT: This problem is in full screen mode and going to windowed mode don't help me as these two modes have different settings.
I would like to have the full screen multi monitor setting of 1 left, 1 middle and 1 right monitor.
With short preparation I was satisfied to quali on p22.
The race itself was a really short one for me. 15 min into the race i lost connection and it stayed down for the rest of the evening so it must have been a major problem at my ISP.
Very unfortunate and it has never happened to me in a race before.
I also agree in that we should be more careful behind safety car. I kept distance to the car in front of me and was able to stop in time when cars in front of me collided only to be smashed from behind.
Loved the format of the race and would like to congratulate SRLT, nFinity and SA.
And last but not least a shout out to the admins for a great job.
I have read through the rules and can't find what the correct procedure is if I should get disconnected during the race.
Coud somebody enlighten me please.
As Cawwa has mentioned elsewhere on this forum IRM will not be able to race this evening.
May I as an IRM driver join the server tonight and spectate for learning purposes?