I think this is a great idea as currently we have to use the bouncey barriers to create ovals whereas there is one already there so we wouldnt need to use the barriers. This is a yes for me!
It's pretty much like a normal race...apart from your trying to smash each others cars up whilst trying to complete the set amount of laps to be crowned winner.
I only recently purchased this great game and mainly because of the banger servers that I'd heard about.
I agee with Daz 100% as the bouncy barriers make trying to race extremely frustrating. Our object is to race but damage each others cars in the process. At the moment we just fly around the track. I do think that the car damage is pretty good but this could be improved.
I understand it's a racing game but to make a few minor items for us banger racers would benefit you - I'm sure as more would sign up.
sorry to her about your computer dying - no worries thanks for trying anyways. i had someone put me one together last night which is kind of what im looking for so i'll just stick with that and maybe even try and customize it to the teams look
ps: ive included a screenshot if anyone is interested in seeing it
I'm new to all this skinning stuff and have tried to create one for myself and my brother but it looks to messy. If anyone has any time they can spare I'd really appricate it.
I'm looking for the following colour scheme if possible
If possible can you include the wording 'MOTORAMA' (I can probably add our own numbers and names)
As I said above I'd be forever greatful. I guess some would call it pretty simply but I'm really not a very patient person
Cheers for any help given
Last edited by russellsaunders, .
Reason : picture doesnt work...please see my second post ;)