So i thought after a while not playing LFS i thought, id check out the WKD server, if it has made any progress with the admins, turns out it has got even more worse. Was cruising as a cadet on the server, this guy was driving very slow in front of me, ok, i didnt care, i drove at the same speed, now this admin comes up drifting and provoking me. as it CLEARLY STATES on the WKD cruise server rules, no provoking or harassing the police, this guy does it anyways, ( hes name in wkd is [WKD]sheepy) so what i do? i thought what the heck, ill chase the dude, now while im in chase, the slow dude comes up in front of me and starts blocking me, no biggie i find a way around him and im back in the chase, now im getting close to [WKD]sheepy, then comes the slow guy, bumps me behind, and i lose control and ram into [WKD]sheepy, now hes stuck, so i use the chance to fine him, and fine him maximum allowed. now this other guy starts flaming at me, why did you fine him maximum, obviously this is a stupid question, so i said, because i can, now he said, that i can't, i asked him why, he said read the rules, actually when you see on the screen when you fine someone, it is brought up on the left of the screen the maximum amount you can fine. okay, start cruising around again, and the [WKD] sheepy cant just enough of me and starts flaming me even more, '' it was only condition 1, why did you ram me?'' blablabla, youre the one who provoked me in the first place, youre the one who didnt follow the rules in the first place, youre the one who shouldve been banned first. anyways in response, i said him basicly the same thing but in a softer way, so automaticly he got pissed, now he said to me, '' you wanna lose your cadet status?'', i said that i dont care, he gets even more pissed and said to me, ''read the ****ing rules'' now it occured to me, if i did something wrong it could be that he thinks i rammed him, thats only one thing and could be forgiven, but he has already broke several rules and this is not the first time i have seen the staff done something like that.
the point of this topic is to show people how childish and immature the staff is, exactly the opposite they claim to be, and wouldnt waste your hours playing on WKD like i did.