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S3 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :What are the symptoms?
Engine off? rev's too low/zero? Are you stalling the car?
Engine rev's high but no moving? Have you shifted out of neutral?

More information from your end about how the car is behaving might be useful. SoftTH has nothing to do with car movement.

Engine is on and revving it doesnt want to go out of neutral even though I set it up correctly in the options menu...
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Which car?
Which controller?
Are the pedal bars moving?
What are you shifting with?

bars are moving but a gray bar is the first one and its is pegged all the way?
I shift with an ACT Labs

Sorry should have been more precise...
Car issues
S3 licensed
Howdy, just came back to LFS after a long break. I added Softth to the config, applied the latest patch and went to race and the car wont move, what am I doing wrong? Is the a control key?

Thanks in advance.
S3 licensed
Renku kicks arse thanks man...
Picture of cars in game?
S3 licensed
Someone awhile back at RSC posted a nice shot of all the cars page to print and I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone have it???

Thanks for your help.
S3 licensed
Works like a charm... thanks alot man. Thumbs up
changing tunes
S3 licensed
Hi, is there anyway to change the default of shift + k to change tunes to possibly a wheel button?

Thanks for your time.
S3 licensed
Thanks Tweak, did not know that command existed After messing around with the calibration in the options screen I was able to get the gas working, but the clutch is kinda flaky, but it just takes some time to get it right then you have to lock the calibration.

Thanks once again!!!!
TSW not working with new patch
S3 licensed
Hi guys my TSW wheel calibrated and worked like a champ with S2 Alpha now with the new patch my gas pedal is at half throttle and I cannot get the slider to return to "normal" it stays at half no matter what. I have inverted the axis, which used to fix it, to no avail also. Any help is greatly appreciated.