for those who don't believe here is my old post with photos from my room and the 3 screen setup
On the video its me playing and a friend
Herctrap just asked me to make a video with the whole setup
i was already going to shoot this video ..he justed uploaded also to show his creation
anyway, please there is no reason to unban him...and if it is so bad, change the video of his post with the one that i uploaded
could someone please unban herctrap?
He is banned for posting a video with demo license..
The video is from my account from my home..
he made the cluster for me but he just sent the video here to show a presentation of his achivement
I 've shooted the video and uploaded to youtube, he just post it here
and please don't say that i should post the video ....
C'mon he is the one who manage to make this thing work..he deserve to show it to the people
i have an Intel Quad Core running at 2.4 ghz
with asus p5k-premium
and Asus 8800 GTS 620MB (the 2nd card is nvidia 6600 GT )
Im getting about 60-70 FPS
except when i'm playing on the park with layouts i get less,about 50FPS
because of my CPU as many people told me...
my resolution is 3840 x 720
i didn't notice any difference when i changed my AA settings or the other settings ... about +- 5 fps
thanx to doy have this monitor wall mounted?i'd like to see iT! because there isn't any screw-holes behind the monitor for wall mounting :S
just a presentation of my triple screen setup
i didn't drift as i should be...i was trying to be a little bit more faster... for a friend who hates match fast driving and drifting together :P
i cant say something for this....i only know that if i dont have all the 3 screens enabled i get an error .. but somewhere in the internet i show someone with softTH and 2 monitors :S cant have an opinion on this
you don't need softTH for 2 i know , SoftTH doesn't work with 2 monitors only :S
You Just run the game in windowed mode and you stretch the window from the 1st monitor to the 2nd.... if you see on my 1st post photos i run LFS on 2 monitors with no softTH installed
Finally i think i found the good position and settings for me..and the better FOV...
i'd like to achieve some more FPS some time (but i think i reached the limit..who knows...maybe with a new version of SoftTH or trying some new settings maybe i'll make it better...)
here are some photos...
i'll try to make a video sometime
also i want to find someone here in greece with matrox triple head2go to see if i'll get better better FPS and performance...
Cockpit view...
This setting was in my opinion better if i could fix a better fov but in the end..its not so good for must have the virtual wheel in the same position with the real wheel....
outside views....
and some old photos before buying me 3rd monitor while testing/playing H.A.W.X
so i've tried the big difference except draw tyres on tracks ...disabling it gave me +5 fps in autocross
Trying now playing with softTH's settings
i 've noticed that in SoftTH 1.09 i get better FPS..
I installed this on my LFS folder..
I also changed the uploadMethod from "blit" to D3D and i got +5 FPS
Someone in this forum said that Blit gives more FPS but i noticed the oppossite!
I don't change RGB16D as i saw that everyone says that its better than RGB16
My problem is that the game crashes after a period of playing it...
HAWX was crashing in about 15 mins
LFS managed to stay alive for half an hour
after rebooting and re-playing the game it kept alive for 10mins...
Do you think its the graphics' card temperature?
Well...its a little bit warm...but i dont know :S something tells me that this is not the problem..
Thanx for your help...i'll try this things tommorow and i'll tell what happened!
LFS at >60 FPS is very good i thing!!!
Especially at 80 FPS is perfect!!!
I want to have a steady number at the FPS above 60!
When i played LFS in only 2 monitors (so only 8800 GTS was working)
I was playing at 100 FPS in both screens!!!
one problem as the SofTH developers said is if you want to raise FPS (and if you know what you are doing....) is to overclock the PCI EXPRESS Bus...
but i dont want to try something like this...
IN every track and mode i find the setup that i have now very good...only in the autocross pass and with the objects i have the problem..anyway if i can ,sure i want more FPS! and i didn't know all the things you mentioned!
and i want to try the setup to be as real .... in my car i saw that my eye can see in a big angle ...from my left window to the right passengers half window!
And about the monitors when i want to play for many hours i do that..i pull them in the front :P
so...i have the 3 screens now..i've setted up LFS and SoftTH
I have configured the display at 1280x720 in each monitor (the lowest resolution to get the higher FPS ...
I have ASUS p5k-premium (DDR 2 memories 4 Giga RAM)
ASUS Nvidia 8800 GTS 620 MB
and for 2ndary card an Nvidia 6600 GT
Settings on full
When i start the game and play everything is fine ...i get about 60 FPS while playing alone on the track and from the cockpit view and about 70-80 FPS when on outside camera... i think its a very good number when playing at 3 screens!!!!!
Only when you play with many people on the tracks, testen on multiplayer and on single player with 10 AI Drivers i get about 10 FPS less when you are the last driver and you have all the other cars in front of you...
Again i find it very good on my doesn't gets me tired
The only problem is when i play in Autocross with many objects (tested on the server driftwars....)
outside the car still have a good FPS number but in cockpit view i get about 40 FPS with high settings and about 55 FPS with low Settings...
what can i do to get some FPS more?
the most settings doesn't affect performance (like draw sky etc...) except the Draw Tyres on the track which when i disable it i get about 6 FPS more....
Do you think that there is a possibility to do it better, or the objects on the parks are a little bit heavy for my machine and i must decide that i wont get better performance?
And how much do you believe is a good FPS number to play?
Still i haven't managed to set the better screens' positions on the desk or the 2nday screens bezzels etc..and other settings....
the monitors just arrived and i was trying different things to play
for the beggining i managed to center it on a good (custom) position on dual monitors only not 3....
my old monitor LG 19" 4:3 on the left
and on the center and right are 2 new 23" wide LG
here's some photos
i m waiting for opinions
tommorow i'll try on 3 screents without softTH
and when im done with this ill try to find a good position with softTH and choose the best
a question that i have is ....with softTH do i get more FPS?
Im planning buying 2 23" monitors
I'm searching on how to do it and still cant get it...
someone said that
i have Vista!and Nvidia 8800 GTS 620mb...
but i've played a game once on dual screen!(i dont remember had the option from its own...left screen for playing and right screen for map.. World war something like this it was named...anyway..)
i tried now to play on dual screen with my 19" TFT and 19" CRT to see how it looks but when i enter on full screen only 1 screen shows the game!
And yes i dont want to play in window mode.... it possible or the quote is right?i should use SoftTH????
and if yes... is there any good config for SoftTH to download ?