that's the problem... i've done that... i've even tried all of the skins, and even some others not from this thread.... MY WHEEL SKINS DONT WORK any help?
lol ya i have vista, vista runs better for me (i know, weird) but yea.. look at my signature... it doesnt make a difference in lfs lol, is all that matters is that i have it running now so everyone's happy lol
ok, so yea sounds like i'm gonna be putting vista (i have the OS disc, i just don't particularly care for windows lol i'm a linux guy) on it and getting it up as my "gaming" operating system
okay so i have a G25 and if necessary i may install windows... but i would like to know if there is a way to get the G25 working under ubuntu(8.04, 32 bit)? LFS runs great but the G25... man... that's a different story lol... perhaps tehre is a driver that i have missed somewhere along the way?
ramp #2 in ur pix= devil lol... is there such a thing as a perfect car after that ramp???? lol my record is 4 laps before having the car reset/reseting the car lol