Hi all,
i watched the discussion about the Future of LFS for a while now and want to say some things from my point of view.
First, i think i see all this from the view of a normal customer; that means i buy a Game and play it as long as i have fun with it. I am not very active in any forums or communitys and i am surely no insider. To be honest LFS is the only Online Game i play. In earlyer times i play some Online shooter but lost fun soon.
And that brings me to my first point: I discovered the LFS S1 Demo on a CD from a Gamemagazine, after playing it for a while i buy S1 for 12$ or so.
Since this Time i have fun with this Game over all this Years!!!!! I pay a laughable amount of Money for S2 an still have fun every evening after work!!!
I realy having the biggest Respect for this 3 People doing the LFS Projekt!!!
No Comercial Game at all this Time no Matter what Plattform brings me that constant enjoiment. And some Games costs 50€ and more and i am done with it after 2 Days...
And that brings me to my next point: Personaly i am just on a point in this Game... how should i say? Its like a Living Room were nothing changed over years... it needs renovation!
I realy hope that LFS gets the Update that this great Game well-deserved very soon!
And i whould love to pay a Fair Price for a Brand New LFS S3 with updated Cars/Tracks/Graphics/Physics/Cockpits and what else.
But sorry to say, i realy need it soon...
As a Customer i just want to know at this point, if there is a realistic Chance for a future Development of LFS or not!
I hope that the LFS "Story" goes on but at this Time it dont look like....
I am sure as long as some Servers filled with good Players/ nice People i will have joy in LFS and at the Day the Servers get Empty its over...
Its on the People who "Born" LFS to Decide what happens...
In the meantime i am trying some new Racing Games and who knows maybe a new Love comes this way...
First try was GT5 btw, its nice and fun but its no Sim... no Match to LFS. First proof that S3 is desperately needed!
I am near to the point to ruin me to try this IR....g thing. (Hoping LFS will prevent this)
Greetings D O C