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S2 licensed
i don't really believe that anyone could claim that one track is better than another...

The tracks in lfs present unique and difficult challenges, which in my opinion is is a huge part of why the sim is so good.

@blueflame. what is your definition of a "good" track, it cant have chicanes and sweeping corners in succession?
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :Hello Noobs! (That's not meant in a bad way)

In my days as a noob, I admit that I angered some people. Now as more of a seasoned player than a noob, it's the noobs that are angering me; now, with the popularity of LFS rising, swarms of noobs are infecting the servers, and the tension between seasoned and new S2 users is increasing exponentially. Although I may not be the best racer, I've picked up on a few key things that really seem to set off the seasoned players (they set me off, too). Noobs, pay close attention; it could mean the difference between being accepted and being rejected. I will continue to add to the list should a new item come up. Note that the items are in no particular order; they are not organized according to severity.

1. Constantly asking for a setup during a race -- This is severely annoying. Just don't do it. And if you do ask for a setup, do it politely (and after the race).

2. Asking for extraneous add-ons in the forum (i.e dedicated drift tracks, body kits)
-- All the seasoned veterans are tired of this. LFS is for pure racing, and we don't wanna change that.

3. Not saying sorry after wrecking the field at T1; rather, you shift-s and continue like nothing happened -- It surprises me what little class some racers have. If you wreck the field, how about lay out for the rest of the race to show you're sorry?

4. Deciding to go "off roading" if you get a blue flag -- This is a minor annoyance in most cases; however, I may berate you if you end up sliding, out of control, back on to the track and wreck the person who was trying to pass you.

5. At the demo users - Treating the demo like it's a full game, makin' teams (clans too lol), demanding features, etc. -- You got the game for free, OK? Be thankful that the devs decided to increase your server limits. Feel free to try out the game but don't expect to get S2 treatment.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Oh yeah, one last thing: Don't turn this into a flame war. Please keep it calm.

How can you claim things like this? after seeing your stats i really dont believe your a seasoned lfs driver, 7 online wins?

Travelled distance:9297 KmFuel burnt:2432 LtrLaps:1888Hosts joined:285Races won:7Second:13Third:13Finished:240Qualifications:5Pole Positions:0Drags / Wins:17 / 3
Ive been reading these forums for quite some time, i rarely post and this is the first time of written anything thats close to a flame(is it? im not sure)

but after sussing out some of your other posts from other threads, i have to say something!

Quote from BlackSheep720 :s2 racers = racers
demo racers = drifters

ironic, eh? i'd say that at least 80-85% of demo racers dedicate their time to drifting. i personally hate drifting, a childish and barbaric pastime

:bananalla:bananalla:bananalla Oh no! Here come the flaming banana warriors, astride their green blob animals!

Perhaps it would be an idea to win some races before declaring your self a seasoned expert on the game and telling other drivers how it is..

everything you've enlightened us to im sure has been said numerous times before but there are always gonna be "noobs" that will make mistakes.
S2 licensed
This would be great to be a part of, or at least see. Especially if the F08 is the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :If you want a good setup and some tips drop me a PM and I'll be glad to help out and meet up ona server for some driving.

I would also like to offer any help. If you guys join a server give me a yell, id like to have a race... perhaps help improve your lines?

Not many aussies join public servers so its good to have a no-lag race.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :s2 racers = racers
demo racers = drifters

ironic, eh? i'd say that at least 80-85% of demo racers dedicate their time to drifting. i personally hate drifting, a childish and barbaric pastime

:bananalla:bananalla:bananalla Oh no! Here come the flaming banana warriors, astride their green blob animals!

Who says things like that.. I dont drift either but who cares what other people do, why give the demo guys such a hard time dont we want more s2 racers/drifters whatever they do?
S2 licensed
CSU1 Love my post count..
S2 licensed
Quote from Thill :so erm a bit noobish question :P I bought a shiny g25 a day ago and was using the whole 900 rotation . so where can i see the actuall rotation of the car so I can ajust according to how the real car handles

PS: Sorry for my english

If you go into the properties of the g25 in windows, you can set the amount of lock. Also i found it felt the best once id killed all the spring, damper and centering spring effects.

I change the lock to match the cars, its a bit of an effort but i highly recommend you try it, its alot of fun and the most realistic imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 ::slap: just buy S2

I agree... buy s2
S2 licensed
Poor yank, I doubt he'd have the courage to post again...

victim of circumstance? (being born in the US)
S2 licensed
I think it drives fine.. if set up right. It also seems to compete with the fz and lx, its different to drive though.