yeh that was me yesterday racing with u guys from RPM lol but i was using XRR which ive only used one time before that lol so i wasnt very good.... im a lot better in an fxr though
heres some more stuff im going to add...
What im looking for in a team:
Active members
7-15+ members
Race/cruise(not drift)
Based in Europe
English as main language
What im going to do later on in lfs:
Try and race in a few tournaments and leagues
Improve my driving skills a lot
How im going to improve:
Get in a team which can help me
Race a lot more...
Get better setups
Learn now techniques on getting faster times
learning how to take corners better
yeh i know... most of the hosts were empty servers just to get some practice.. so i havent finished many races.. also i do cruise quite a bit which is why.. but i know what you mean
thanks a lot Dru and AMB for all your help that youve given me. ill change my original post now with some more imformation that you have given me help about.... thanks again...
just gimme a shout aswell if you need any help... like programs etc... try and get a team skin from the skin section made and stuff to make your team look professional...also try and get a website, that will help people A LOT.
now as you can guess.. im looking for a team but i dont want a really good one which is hard to get into like [CD].. i want a good team but not mega hard to get into.. im a quite good driver but not amazing. I know how to drag, race and cruise but i cannot drift to save my life lol.
If there is any Racing or Cruise teams recruiting that are based in the UK then please tell me...
Cars i like to drive on lfs: mostly the FXR but i do like to drive others like fzr or UF1 and RB4
Map's i like to drive on: I love the map that's on CD1 but i cant remember the name i also like a few others on aston.
When im usually online: im usually online all the time lol i am on my computer quite a lot.
TS or Ventrilo: Got both so if you need me on there i can get on straight away.
Favourite types of LFS: mostly cruising and racing.. i cant say which i prefer because i love doing both of them...
What type do i want to be: A racer and cruiser(casual driving etc) When i get better i may consider getting in some leagues or tournaments.
How often do i play LFS: depends if i feel like it... i am usually on abouut 4 or 5 times a week for about 2-7 hours... if its a weekend then i may be on for atleast 10 hours maybe me lol
How long have i played LFS: a few months... since around march time this year...
What do i use to play LFS: A 360 wired controller. I find this very helpful towards my driving skills... it has helped me become a better driver than my wheel did
I know its possible and ive checked a few forums and videos that have came up on google.... but i just cant seem to figure out.....
how do you change the music in-game on live for speed to my own custom music..
if you know please leave a reply with a tutorial or a link for a tutorial...
regards, steve
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