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S2 licensed
Quote from Alric :Hi Victor,

Thank you so so much for the little update you gave earlier in this thread. I've been with lfs for nearly a decade now and it really saddened me how the development updates have got less & less infrequent. I know the tyre physics being boring calculations are not very interesting to most but it's great to keep reminding everyone that you are all still working away in the background. When Scawen doesn't post a quarter of a year at a time it does make us all a bit worried that you are all losing interest. I can feel as you say there are better times ahead for lfs and S3. I really hope so as lfs has really made me a better driver & racer in every way, and that's with the old tyre physics!

p.s. It's amazing how far a screenshot once every couple of months goes in terms of keeping the community interested and positive. I realise that the screenshot released might never happen as plans change but surely it's better to please the true lfs users that there are exciting times ahead that may or may not happen than to slightly annoy a child when the car doesn't actually come out for whatever reason. (lx8)

It would also be great if Scawen could keep us posted with the tyre maths! It seemed they were nearly done, but then at beta stage problems were found etc If there is any chance he could let us know how many more years we need to wait that would be great. I know it totally depends on many different factors but it would be good to know if the plan is this year or next or the next 5 etc. I know your working practice is "it's done when it's done" but surely there has to come to a point when they are a massive improvement over the old tyre physics but not quite 100% perfect!

Anyway your post made my day. Please feel free to post something similar again so I can hold on to some hope of lfs improving sometime in the not so distant future!

Good post Alric, my thoughts exactly! Kudos to you Victor for taking the time to respond. A little regular update now and then from you or Scawen would go a long way and would be much appreciated!
S2 licensed
Is there beer in this club? I´ll join
S2 licensed
We are 7 guys on a LAN and one of the new guys trying to set up a new account has the exact same problem. Perhaps a problem with the server so new accounts are not added?
S2 licensed
Quote from garph :Demo users have never been able to do that, not even watch full S2 replays, so nothing has changed.

You have a talent for stating the obvious, don´t you? I´m perfectly aware what is allowed and not allowed, thank you. Just stating something has always been a certain way is not a good reason why it can´t be changed. Give me a good reason instead.

I think it would be a nice touch to let them join servers with other cars enabled an watch others drive. I also think it would encourage them to upgrade to a full license when they see first hand what they are missing.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Because that is not how the LFS demo works. Non-demo cars are locked to demo racers.. and being locked means that they are unavailable, period. Including using them AND watching someone else in a server using them.

The change that has been made aligns demo, S1 and S2 communities. It does not introduce new content to old licence structures. It's important to understand this.

Ok, I understand. I just think it would be a lot easier from a server admin point of view not having to change the allowed cars all the time.

IMHO it also seems a bit harsh not even allowing them to watch other people drive licensed cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Originally Posted by Scawen in Hosts forum:
Any of these will prevent demo racers from joining your host :

- Allowing non-demo cars
- Allowing more than 12 cars in race
- Allowing more than 15 guests
- Selecting any track other than Blackwood
- Loadng a layout

About not allowing non-demo cars I´m not quite sure I understand the logic behind this. Demo racers still can not select them and drive them, right?

So why wouldn´t they be able to join and play using the cars they ARE allowed to use?