Okay, I finally decided to work this again. Got servos working, finally found a code that works for me.
I pretty much ripped off this guy's code. Except made it independent from computer for simplicity's sake. Anyway, now that I am able to control servos, I'll try to get a working link between PC and AVR.
I'm having trouble with my AVR right now, so the project is on halt.
But just to continue kingfag's subject, I have tried working servos through parallel port. Did not work. (I tried to get it from side to side - 1ms and 2ms delays). Nothing happened.
Thanks for the page, I will start investigating ASAP.
No, I don't want to use a car's tachometer. I'm thinking about taking a servo, mounting it somewhere and placing a paper under it as scale. Ain't gonna be pretty, but it's a jumping point.
I am somewhat new to programming AVR and I wanted to know has anyone made a servo driver for speed and tach information through outgauge and released the code? My searches have been fruitless so far.
Also, I am using attiny2313.