Most of modern simracing games nowadays have it, as it help you to improve, but mainly it help to people that were week/month/year and so on away from the game, its easier for them to get pace back, and that motivates them to play more, as lets say you return after 3years, you join a event, youre dead last and its hard for you to improve, you need hundreds of thousands of laps to get pace back. While with live delta you need a lot less time to adapt and find right lines and where you lose time. For me its just strange that we have such updates as fog lights, when we dont have such weather in lfs, while such essential thing as live delta that has big potential to improve racing and make it easier to return to it is being ignored as too complicated task.
After running tests with it on couple of track, it's kinda strange that car doesn't have a r4 option, as rear tyres can reach 130 degrees for sure and be around that for 10 laps, that's sign that car wants r4 on rear. Car balance overall for better rotation and stability feels like wants lower pressure tyres than high pressure r3 to feel more alive.
Sure, i think it could be a solution for time being, then later after big update it should just be in list things to do, as there are other things as well that could be changed with pitstops, not just engine changes that we suģgested, thanks.
Please, dont. Dont do extra work that will add extra time for making old tyres for new graphics as new kerbs and old tyres dont work together at all. Myself and others(i think) would preffer to wait for new tyres than let u waste another 2 weeks, month or who knows how long on making old tyres work here. An example
Hello, i believe problem would be that you run too high downforce and too low tyre pressures for GT2 class FXR, after couple months of break did a lap now with FXR 24% resctricted an did 2.49.33, with some laps atleast 2.48.0x should be done, pinned SPR file that u can watch lap on how to drive FXR in such restriction, lap is far from perfect and with mistakes, but to begin working on should help, i did lap with AS6 setup that i uploaded it for you too, but its made for a endurance race so in sprint races it might burn, so i uploaded another setup by name AS5_GT2R that should work for sprint races.
I really hope in future updates handbrake power setting will be only be able to set in drift configurations, not in all cars. That really ruins realistic feel, unless on new version with new tyre physics handbrake will work how it should work.. Now this handbrake power changing makes something like in f1 that mclaren had back in day 3rd brake pedal, to help you with some stuff.
Edit. And hope in future update R4. option that now is there for. MRT/FBM/FOX will be gone, some reacted harshly(can blame corona a bit), but yes its really not needed for those cars as those tyres are really not usable for anything more than a hotlap in hotlap mode, and that ruins the experience of it a bit. Yes we noticed it too late, but hope in future it can be fixed.
I know its a bit off-topic, but maybe there would be a chance to add 1-3spots on server? Not on track, just on server, why? I'll use as example NDR GT2C that is going on now, they have 38 driver in round, safety car, rescue car, 3+- commentators, race director and 4- stewards( some oof them learning) so they dont have enough space in server, and just 1-3 added spot would help for now a lot, and that includes other leagues, like fragmasters.
Even on restrictions UFR and XFR tyres are narrow enough, fwd eating tyres. So yeah my suggestion atleast for now work on 3 GTR cars, thats enough and nice change for us.