I was just wondering if anyone could help me with my idea of a cruise insim. Its not going to be a basic insim, i was wondering if someone could code an insim for me to make jobs that are drifting jobs thought.
Cruise insims have jobs to deliver things from point A to point B, I was wondering if someone could make me an insim that has jobs like,
This is an example, Getting a certain drift score like 5000 or so just suggesting in a certain time and from a certain place to a certain place, and getting this score from point A to point B will get you 200-500 credit just an example.
I was wondering if anyone could make this for me i dont know if its possible but from what i have heard from other programmers it is.
Please get back to me and ill give you more information about it.
[email protected]
Dont just post up stupid shit like most of you people do, please if someone is willing to help, could you get back to me.