Hi everyone, new here. Played a fair bit of a LFS a few years back then stopped gaming for a while and just getting back into it again.
I'm having some issues with finding a usable setup for my new (second hand but new to me) G27 in LFS.
As default it only had 180° rotation available, I found how to switch that setting on and off in another helpful LFS forum thread here:
However with full rotation its basically undrivable, especially when I want to slide around - its more or less impossible to get enough lock on quickly enough to catch a slide. If you use the old let go of the wheel technique it sometimes winds around fast enough, but doesn't balance at the right lock and overcorrects.
Changing the wheel rotation in the car setup doesn't seem to do anything, so my only options seem to be 180° or 900° using that button combination from the other thread unless I try changing the rotation in logitech profiler - but obviously I would have to exit the game to use different rotation for different cars.
I found a few old threads with suggested settings (setting profiler to 101% FF and spring + damper effects to zero) but it doesn't seem to have helped.
I don't think its a lack of driving ability because I can drift until the tyres pop on the 180° setting (they overheat a bit fast really...) and I don't have the same problem playing dirt rally with the G27 (often set to 540 or 720° rotation there) or sliding real cars around.
LFS is playable and fun if I leave it on 180°, but it just doesn't seem like thats making good use of what the wheel should be able to do, and it makes it harder to adjust to more steering lock in dirt rally again afterwards.
So, any suggestions, settings I might have missed etc?