Erm, well it appears that they are back up: And after trying to join a person on one of their servers it infact takes you to a server named PrivateGreen and is password protected.
Hi, can someone please explain to me how you connect to a server using "the admin command". I know my admin password but i am unable to find this "admin command" that i am supposed to connect with, i have found a lost of all the commands to use once you have connected as an admin but when i try to use them on my server i get "You do not have admin rights".
LFS is known to have some of the most realistic car physics, having a real track would imcrease the realism and i think that it puts the hard work in making the cars realistic to good use.
If you're in to fantasy tracks then trackmania is what you should be playing...
Some of these cars may have already been said, but please forgive me for not reading the previous 91 pages. Anyway, i would like to see the arial atom and an aston martain DBR9. Maybe some C class "le mans style" cars would be cool but maybe a new track, maybe le mans again to support those 24h races people organise. Or possibly just something like the nuremberg ring for us to just cruise around.
When you're upside down in a car, if you accelerate and spin your wheels the speedometer says that you are accelerating, this would indicate that the in car speedometer is a source of wheel speed, but im not sure if when your wheels lock up it drops to zero. I just think it may be worth looking into as i think that there is some wheel speed data there.
I think it would be really cool to have dynamic weather and have it so the sunlight can be synchronized with the time of day. Maybe using real time weather as well a bit like in Flight Simulator X (i don't know if any of you have it, but i do :P)
Hi guys, i'm pretty new to this and i hope this is in the right section. I was ust wondering if it would be possible to make custom maps/tracks for LFS, and if so, how?