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Demo licensed
eh? v6 sr20det??? hmm...
Demo licensed
haha S2 NOOBS??? we're the noobs dude... i recently started saving some of my allowence for S2. my friend was gonna buy it for me but i told him that i would buy it myself... it makes you feel better when you actually try to do something and get a result out of it! but anyways i enjoy BOTH racing and drifting... when im racing i like the challenge of posting better lap times and trying to get that perfect line. when drifting, i work on continual drifts (hard on XRG and even harder with patch z suspension...) so im not biased towards any side (at least i hope im not!)

i've been to mount panorama and man its an awesome track.. dont know how people do the Bathurst 1000 endurance race! would love to take the racing versions of the various cars that may be similar to a V8 Supercar (is there such a car?) around panorama... also would love a little touge mountain circuit thingo like in the video below... (look on the bottom left theres a diagram of the track) ... UxxpU&feature=related
Demo licensed
do you have to be S2 licenced? i'm playing demo now but im getting S2 soon... i can drift around Blackwood but i haven't been around S1/2 tracks or driven the other cars before... i can also drift around this Streets of Long Beach track I made using Layout Editor

oh and i live in australia, so is that a prob???
Demo licensed
I agree with the sedans and how about making the turbo boost pressure adjustable so we can vary the cars' power??? Just a thought~
Demo licensed
omfg!!! i cant wait for patch Z!!! also confirmed that im getting S2 sometime soon (hopefully during this holiday - until tuesday 24th june!)
Demo licensed
ok lol i use the logitech g25 which i got for my birthday earlier this year and i love it, so i don't think i would be in a hurry to get this microsoft wheel!

also, i told my friend about this game and he is obsessed with cars now lol! he bought S1 but apparently there is almost no-one there! hes gonna buy S2 for himself and one for me too!!! im gonna pay him back but he keeps ignoring me when i tell him that im gonna pay him lol... CAN'T WAIT!!!

EDIT: wait... does S2 ONLY work with the microsoft wheel or does it work with G25 too??? :S
EDIT2: lol i watched some youtube vids of S2 ppl and they use G25 so i guess it will work! PHEW!
Last edited by richhobo94, .
Demo licensed
ummm... sorry if I sound really n00b and all, but what exactly is crack??? When I google it the results are cocaine... so no I don't do drugs lol. Also, thanks for the compliments! Just need to get a wheel, S2 (or S3!!!) and learn to drift!!! I find that XRG is a great car to learn from but hate how I only have 3 cars! GRRRR.
Demo licensed
ok... so i shouldnt buy it from him? thanks for the heads up~
LFS S2 license question
Demo licensed
Hey my brother is going to Hong Kong in a week and he asked me if I wanted any PS3 games... so I said GT5 Prologue and GTA IV... however, the game I want most is LFS S2! Is there a way he can buy it there? I'm asking because I saw that you could buy it on a disk in some countries...

If not, there is this guy who had 2 S2 licenses that he wanted to sell for 20 Euros each... would this work in Australia? He also said that it was unused from a while ago... would I be able to get updates if I buy that?

Sorry for the essay
The best Formula Drift Streets of Long Beach ever! Carpark+AutoX
Demo licensed
Hey guys I saw some other peoples' Streets of Long Beach layouts but couldn't use them as I am running the demo! So I made my own and it took me a long time to watch all the videos and look at the pictures available online. However, when I finished it, I realised that I had made it on the AutoX track!!!

My fix? Copy and paste into the carpark, and luckily enough, it all fit!!! It all took me a while so I hope you like it and I assure you that this is the most detailed SOLB layout you have ever played on.

Both are attatched below~

P.S: It was all done in LYTe.
Last edited by richhobo94, .
Demo licensed
Sports car (Nissan GTR R34, Honda NSX-R)
Peformance saloon car (BMW M3, audi RS4)

yes please! if that was possible, i would have to buy it!
Demo licensed
im a demo racer but also have GTR2 (crap physics compared to LFS!)
i got a G25 for my bday february 2008 and in a week of addiction (after school and weekends) i taught myself how to heel toe and its so easy now. its definately worth it. btw im not completely addicted now cos i only have like 3 cars to play around with on lfs... lol.
Demo licensed
im sure this has been mentioned before but the only thing stopping me from buying the licence is the cars. i want to be able to download car off the net cos i dont know about you guys but im pretty sick of these cars (or maybe its jus me cos i run the demo... lol). but seriously the cars look really bad.