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Demo licensed
What is a diffrence between Power, Power2, Power 3?
And tnx a lot, u helped me so much... Big grin
Help About 0.6u Tweaker?
Demo licensed
Hello guys, i'm pretty new to tweaker. Tongue I have one for 0.6u and need help, if any1 could help me that would be great. Smile

So the thing is i have on Tweaker Power and Power2, what's for what? That's the main thing that bothers me... Frown

I can't put more than 100 NM on Hp. Example: if i make 300 hp i can't go with 500nm, only 400 is max... Is this a bad tune, tweaker or what?

I have car type list, if i put in on Type 1 i can put engines what i wanna, if i put on 3,4,5 it can be only 2000ccm max.

And the last, somehow when i change air resistance it changes only my kmh speedometer.

Tnx and hope some1 can help