The best and easiest way to make that work would be to include the country that the car was ''made'' on, it should be easier to find mods from a brand that you like, just like BlueFlame said.
Could also add tags, like ''drift'' ''race'' 'street'', anything would work.
o carro tá estranho, parece que tem quase 2 toneladas, tenta dar uma olhada na aerodinamica. também tá com o motor 2 tempos invés de 4 tempos, ai o ronco fica parecendo fino. os mostradores do carro tá meio torto também, coisa de detalhe mas é importante! se precisar de alguma ajuda eu to aqui pra ajudar também, qualquer coisa com física, motor e textura eu posso ver o que eu consigo fazer, fora isso bom mod!
I made a new bov sound, it's ripped from tokyo drift ps2 game, made it with audacity
(there is one bov sound for LFS, but i don't think it is sounding very good)
I think it would be better if you respect the ''original'' specs of it, since it is a car that is heavilly costumized in real life, maybe you could allow derivatives of it and anyone could make their own custom version
the way I wanted shift + A to work was to play the audio file once, because when the audio loops it gets a little strange
maybe the format used really didn't has anything to do with this, I just didn't really know lol 🤪
Why not use .mp3 instead of .wav? I have this question for a long time, since I use the shift + a feature moderately, sometimes the .wav repeats itself so many times that it start not working correctly, like on almost every turbo dump valve sound.
I think it would work better if it was like in car sound remixer, with the audio playing only once, and you could choose to play more than one sound on the turbo valve for example.
If possible, it would be cool to add a new type of sound on the shift + a menu, the dump valve sound only works as a .wav sound, but it would be easier to work if it was a normal sound, that never repeats, only plays once.
Would be really helpful to make new engines sounds for those new mods.