modified numberplate:
there is one symbol with 3xdot like one symbol, so this is not mod, and i play long time lfs but always think start race reset your damage.
Look there in cca 10 position there is guy with hardly damaged rear
i dont wrote about 6 years waiting for new patch. LFS develop cycle always feed lots of new stuff, and way to explore it was always fun.
My 5 years old computer with 60 fps in 15 players demo isnt good for S2 with 32 players, maybe in S3 will more players.
So actually i dont need S2 licence, becouse it is for me useless.
i need buy new hardware too for s2, but not only update, if i spend money for it i expect long lifetime use.
So directx 11 for s3 ? maybe directx 12 13... where is published info about develop cycle?
Only one simply information - s3 will about 1 year, or 5, 10 years is good enough for verdict if new computer buy this year or next.
I dont need better computer for other things, for email and internet is this low computer super, and other games makes me tired.
So S2 licence is for me 1000$, and who want explore old stuff, nobody,
i want S3
i am suprised how annoying people exist, who wants something limited.
I think lfs have potential to be your game of life. If you stop demouser in the begining, never explore what lfs offers. With more lap come more taste to buy it.
Of course i buy S2 licence. But still waiting for new patch, or S3 and announced changes to buy for it corresponding hardware.
We dont talk about S2 licence only, you need updated computer with windows licence, wheel, pedal, maybe rig, you need great pair of socks, gloves too haha.
Pay for S2 licence is maybe 1/30 quantity money what you need for good sim racing and only to ready wish luck.
Hello Developers,
i find this bug: if you are in race or replay and press shift + u, mirrors not work. You see only static last picture before press shift+u.