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S2 licensed
I haven't the error again in creating zipped files. Strange things happen

I am trying to configure the server TS3, I put ip, same ports for server and client (different?) Restart, but when typing !cl or ! cls nothing happens.
S2 licensed
Hi EQ,

In the last two days i give this message in the console:

ERROR : 10.10.04 03:00:01 - Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Local Settings\Temp\1\DotNetZip-nywahajl.tmp'.
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :On Windows you'll need to copy sqlite3.dll into Airio or Windows\System32 directory, on Linux you'll need in some system directory (renaming the SO file may be required). Click on the filename to download or get the file from here.

Thank you very much for your help. Now works correctly.
S2 licensed
Hi EQ,

I have an error loading Airio...

10.06.28 21:33:52 AIRIO ERROR : Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_open_v2(Byte[] utf8Filename, IntPtr& db, Int32 flags, IntPtr vfs)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Open(String strFilename, SQLiteOpenFlagsEnum flags, Int32 maxPoolSize, Boolean usePool)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Open()
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Datas.DBOpen() in D:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Sqls.cs:line 32

I tried to register with regsvr32 System.Data.SQLite.dll library and my operating system does not allow it, any suggestions?
S2 licensed
I Can Join?

Car: FZR

S2 licensed
Hi przewodo

Thanks for developing this software!

I've tested for some time and I have some comments to share with you.

Occasionally, the software gives a fatal error and stops working. I share the log file if you want.

The biggest problem I had is as follows:

After using it for a couple of hours in a race with multiple drivers on track (32), my video card temperature began to raise a lot. It's a HD4830. Never before had I gone with software similar to this as the LFS MoTeC.

When this happened, I immediately stopped being used. Within few minutes, the temperature of my video card back to normal.

Neither has happened to me playing games that require much work on the video card.

I await your comments and thanks!
S2 licensed
Good news!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from fireb0llch :I will download the clips @Xcite TV and will uploaded it, please be patience, these Files are big

Nice fireb0llch !!! tnx for the job!
S2 licensed
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :fraps XD

I want to download the video straming ... with the voice of the commentator ...
S2 licensed
Quote from oldnavy :Qualifying and 1st part of the race( start is missing due to Chris Willkinsin was doing it):
2nd part of the race:

Press On-Demand and chosse GTAL 6h race

Would you please tell me how can I download the video stream?

If not, you have them?
S2 licensed
LFS Username: Melvyn
Driver Number: 27
First initial and last name: J.Feiter
S2 licensed
Well guys, what can I say...

I really thank to all the admins, to my team mates, and all the drivers who I shared GTAL with. I learned a lot whit you and I hope to keep racing other championships.

Congrats to the winners!
S2 licensed
Your Team: Capo Arg
Driver to Report/Team:
#19 I.Todorovic
Race Time:
lap 15 second split
What Happened:
he hit to A.Coppertine and cause a spin
S2 licensed
CAPO ARG team has decided to join the Pilot A. Coppertinne in the last race GTAL without chance points.

We decided this just to learn, we are not fighting anything.

We thank the admins for giving us the opportunity to join our team.
S2 licensed
Dear Administrators,

First of all, please accept my apologize for having transgress the rules, I’m fully responsible for that.
My team mate, “The Pilot X” didn’t know (neither did I) that by participating in an IGTC race it automatically takes out the possibility to race in GTAL.

Now, I have some questions… what do you mean by “participating in an IGTC race”? to complete it? to run at least a 75% of the laps? To run 5 laps? He could only complete the classification and during the race he run less than 5 laps due to connectivity issues.

If a driver joins a category like MOE or IGTC automatically turns into a faster driver than the rest of the GTAL members?

Everybody knows that he was having connectivity issues so he had to change his ISP and some hardware parts in order to avoid it from happening during the last GTAL race (yes, he did it just to GTAL). I’m saying this for you to have an idea of what the league means to us.

I apologize again and take the full responsibility and I’d like you to take my concerns into consideration on the regulation for further situations like this in the future.

Our team will participate on the last GTAL race, as we’ve done on every single one, doing our best effort sometimes with good results and others with not so good ones but fully committed and respecting the training hours that we all the CAPO ARG team members have invested.
S2 licensed
Team Name: Capo ARG
Car Number: 32
L.Valenzise [HL_Nano] ARG
J.Feiter [Melvyn] ARG
A. Capertine [The Pilot X] ARG
P.Polletta [gavilan] ARG
S2 licensed
Your Team: CAPO Arg
Driver to Report/Team:
#07 - D.Richardson - Race Sim Radicals
Race Time: 2:37: xx
sector #2in the highway
What Happened: He block and hit causing damage to our car
S2 licensed
Team Name: Capo ARG
Car Number: 32
L.Valenzise [HL_Nano] ARG
J.Feiter [Melvyn] ARG
A. Capertine [The Pilot X] ARG
P.Polletta [gavilan] ARG
S2 licensed
Your Team: CAPO Arg
Driver to Report/Team:
Race Time: 1:48
What Happened:
Hi block and hit to my team mate causing a spin
S2 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :to all:
give those infos to all of your participating teammates!!!!!!!

i hate this PM spamming all the time.... each team has at least 2 members which have the info page data and i think its not difficult to give it further to teammates

anyone of my team has receive any PM

CAPO ARG isn't confirmed???
S2 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :here is the raw template for the userbar.... took about 2 weeks to create.... hope you are lucky with it

hahahahaha I love it!
S2 licensed
Team Name: Capo ARG
Car Number: 32
Team Manger: Melvyn
Team Co-Manger: HL_Nano
L.Valenzise [HL_Nano] (ARG)
J.Feiter [Melvyn] (ARG)
A. Capertine [The Pilot X] (ARG)
P.Polletta [gavilan] (ARG)
S2 licensed
Sorry about that. New version:
S2 licensed
New Skin for CAPO ARG Team
S2 licensed
We can change our skin for a new one?