Lol, it's not that we don't want guess, but we allow everyone to play.
There isn't always an admin on our server to detect those indesirable situations and our system can't detect everything.
He can detect a lot of things except those human decisions, if a group of racer ban decide to ban a specific racer on our server with LFS system, the racer will be ban for 1 day, and well in most case they have good reasons.
Hum... maybe because you were the easiest exemple to find of bull shit post and even racism talking.
By the way, a forum is a place to discuss and exchange ideas. It doesn't matter if the guy has posted only 1 time or more, if he's brigning constructive ideas on the table that's what we want (I hope so).
The main point here is to solve a problem and it could be great if we people could continue talking and reading about that without seeing those crappy post.
And no Greenseed (it's his name actually) didn't attack Victor, he just wanted to solve a problem and talk about it.
I recently tested the lastest version, I was out a bit with University, so a lot of new change since I was gone.
It's now really impressive, all the search system for stats and how stats works. I like the fact that you don't need to race 12 hours a day during 1 year to reach the first position. Just doing good race with nice lap time will increase your current rank. I believe it's more realistic like that.
This multiserver application have a lot of potential for the futur, we could do almost everything we want. It's very flexible with all those config options.
Actually I have a little break at my university, I hope I'll be able to do another patch
It seems to be ok, I checked the ranking, it's hard to judge now, i guess with more race played we will be able to see the improvement curve. I think I should test it on ur server
Well, the fact is that your version will be different than our one, because we won't add all what you want and need. So it will be a special version of Drive_LFSS only for you.
I'm one of the programmer in Drive_LFS server. Actually, you could have what you are asking with our project. With fews modification and discussion we could meet your requirements.
I suppose if you want a ranking system you will need a webpage to display the informations. Well, with Drive_LFSS you will have at least all the necessary data to build up your webpage.
Have a nice day.
You can contact me in PM if u want, I will be happy to awnser your questions.
I tested the lastest version, which is pretty cool.
There are a lot of more news features really usefull for a racer in game. I'm a bit busy with university right now, but I will find something cool to add for sure
What I tried to said is he could begin with C, C++,, C#, Java, Javascript or any of oriented object language and it will help him further anyway.
- Change the serverId for the serverName everywhere.
- Remove InSimSettings class to use the data from the config class.
P.S. I mess up a bit with the dictionnary in Config.cs. I got a KeyNotFoundException when I add a key to the dictionnary. Hope you will be better than me to arrange that, I'm kinda confuse!
I never said that all languages are equals. Maybe you misunderstand me because of my bad english, my fault, anyway for my part each coding experience I get in any language I learn helped me in others. The principle of coding stay the same, a if will stay a if in every language only the syntax will change.
lol, so what do u suggest to him for start learning ?
Personnaly I think each language is a good start, there are something to learn in each of them. Anyway, the important thing is to learn how to code, the language doesn't have a so important part in the decision. When you know coding you can use every languages.
Hello, first I'm glad you decided to try out in our project !
I know I'm not Greenseed haha ! but what you've proposed is an excellent idea. You will be able to read the code and look how it works. So the SVN part it's a good start.
In open source project the communication is very important and we follow some coding standards of course.
I think the main points are to :
- write a code talking by itself
- when you write a comment about the code, if it's necessary, then write why instead of how.
- we try to use same kind of declaration everywhere.
Exemple : Constant declaration in caps lock with underscore between word.
- have fun doing this and we take our time to provide best code we can. It's not a race, lol, but you'll see, when you're in it grow pretty fast
It's a learning project, so like I said let's have fun doing it during we improve our skill.
For faster and easier communication, of course we will use program like Spark (a kind of MSN) or anything else.
I'll let Greenseed say something else and complete what I said.
I just tested both way and it gave me the same result ! So I guess the VS compilator interprets and compile both the same way
There is the console result of the tests :
Benchmarking 2 way to Get a value
Using Function :
1st tick : 633531543717656250
2nd tick : 633531543717656250
difference between them : 0
Port Number I Got : 29999
Using Property :
1st tick : 633531543717656250
2nd tick : 633531543717656250
difference between them :0
Port Number I Got : 29999
And there is the code I use to do it.
long tickbefore = 0; long tickAfter = 0; long tickResult = 0; ushort _portNumber = 0; log.normal("2 way of Get benchmark \r\n" + "Using Function : ");
I'll use this thread to post my request about the forum because the title is pretty representative of my request.
I wish if I could upload a ".patch" file on the forum. I'm a Dev who are working on Drive LFS project and we are using SVN. When I post my patch I must rename them as a ".txt". I would let them as a ".patch".
The patch allow the user to type a message announcement in the console command. He can specify on which server the message will appear or simply send it to all of them.
P.S. It could be great if I could upload a ".patch" file, I renamed this one in .txt.