these values definetly have something weird going on, i will work on that but...
these values were meant to work as the rear spoiler configs with convertible rooftop
- if convertible = 0
- if coupe = +1
custom spoiler 1
sport spoiler 2
rear wing 0 should mean the car have no rear aerodynamic efficiency making the rear less stable, 1-2 have the most aerodynamic efficiency but 2 have more downforce
and 3 the most downforce.
However, an change on any of these configs should have significance on speeds above 160kph.
This may happen because i used an different approach to incentive people on different setups and for simplicity i can remove rear spoiler if more people agree with
check the images and you can see that the load of the downforce is only changing on rear part of the vehicle, the lowest means 0 the highest means 3, L means lift (negative means downforce), D means drag
lfs physics is bit oversteery so u prob got used to it, loopingz said right, its around 3.8kg, the spoiler in such cars is only for detail and not for literal racing use of it