Team Name: Lanzarote Racing Team Number of Cars Entered: 4 Car Numbers Requested: 15,29,40,46 Team Manager: Félix Fuentes, felito7 Team Vice Manager 1: David Peña, Peña Racing Drivers: Félix Fuentes, felito7, Spain David Peña, Peña Racing, Spain Rubén Blasco, Ruben_Drifter, Spain Jordi Clarà, Korveck, Spain Jon Tanko, arrechee, Spain Felipe Solis,, Chile Chris Vourliotis, Vourliotis, Greece Karolis Kliaudaitis, Karolis[lt], Lithuania Jordi Gálvez, Grava, Spain Andrés Azpiazu, andres25, Spain
Session/lap/time: Feature race ; min 18:17
Car numbers (of the involved cars): 22 - 70
Description of the incident:
(Car 70) he brake too late when im going in to the corner and then he hits me in the back loosing several places(Car 22)