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S2 licensed
Happy birth my cheers dev ;-)

Best whishes man
S2 licensed
a little post cause i got to go , seems to be very interresting idea
Will look better at the format race this afternoon

A little lap for men, big lap for lfs DEMO rACERS
#23 Genuine Racing
S2 licensed
Last edit 30/10
Here is the skin for the pack
#23 Genuine Racing
Last edited by bobbyfish, .
S2 licensed
ThX general
you're all welcome in those fair and friendly series
R4R Bobby°
S2 licensed
Framaris and Eq Worry, You just did what i hope since years... THX a lot guys you did what LFS miss.
Now we can fight in realism mod, such great for fun. And drivers can also use all the benefits that LFS give compared to other "sim"
THX again, u will see me often on this serv ..
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :But why would you need special servers for that?

It doesn't matter what steering input/settings the other driver uses as long as you have fun racing against him, does it?

hi, yes it does matter me, because players who use less wheel rotation often drive unrealistic line too, with hard counter steering...and another point is that is so easier to recover from a crash with this settings, that's make drivers unrealistic agressivity, don't matter to have contact for them ...

For the rest i'm happy to see some simracers agree with my point, i don't talk about alien mouse or short wheel rotation it's not the subject, and if they think that they are alien just want to say cool for them ....

Few drivers see the real point, I buy a LFS licence cause i think it's the best online sim, don't want to have this sort of filter to finish first or to be not beaten... Just wan't a very hard server filter to allow this soft to give its best...
i understand the point of drivers who haven't got the good materials or drivers who have the materials but prefer play like NFS or burnout, each one can have his own choice ...

My choice is to try to play the most realistic thx a realistic soft, reallly think LFS can provide me this...But really seems to miss REALISTIC filter for servers ... Like it says before, i'm sure that sort of filter will interest more driver than we can think, and i'm sure too that's people who want great fun who like mecanics, real SIM RACE, and have the materials to use clutch shifter etc will happy to see this sort of option in server filter ....

Really understand that i don't complain, it's not my life style!!!
My life style is to take pleasure where i can

And i think for this incredible SOFT "LFS" a very hard server filter will allow must of us, who buy the soft for realism to find people who care for that ...

Seems to be a "déjà vu" subject sorry for that and my english again, but as a sim racer really think its a misspoint for LFS realism LOVER like me ...

LFS = online racing simulator plz DEVS keep the word simulator on mind and give us an option to filter very hard server*

Thx all for ur opinions
see u

ps:Nice rig petersvp
Last edited by bobbyfish, .
S2 licensed
Ok all thx for answearing,
Once again i don't post to force anybody to drive real
I know that driving 400° with paddles is easier,faster etc..... but not realistic

Don't want to have 100 Wr's, just want have fun with other drivers

So just want a filter for server, not more

ps: Some Wr are with shifter/clutch ----> so1/rac for example

And if another filter allow to filter Wr by realism(clutch, wheel lock etc ...) owners won't be the same ^^

Once again thx 4 answearing, don't want to judge anybody, u've got all ur opinion and it's good (make the world not uniform...)

My request its just like for my coffee a good FILTER for server and why not an answer give me the idea, for WR too...

in all case see u on track
S2 licensed
i don't matter for that, if they want to drive a unrealistic way its not my problem and if they like i think is good for them, i just want to have a hard settings section in server search wich recognize people who use shifter and clutch for example or angle of rotation use in profiler ... Don't want to force any mouse driver or wheel unrealist driver just want to konw if an option like that can be added in server search ...
Realistic sim,but realistic wheel settings?
S2 licensed
Hello, 1st mess in this forum so hello to all LFS RACERS!!!

First, sorry for my bad english,but my problem is simple

Think about years LFS is the the best online sim game, but something really disturb me.

A lot of drivers own wheel able ton turn 900° lock to lock "g25,dfp,fanatec,etc..." but few of them use the real settings 720°for example in tbo...

Or don't use clutch in tbo or fz for example even if they have 3 pedals.

Don't want to force anybody to play real and fun but in the hard settings in the server search will it be possible to recognize if people use shifter or clutch for example ??? I'm sure will interest more people to drive not like on/off with a 200° wheel lock and paadles with funny cars like tbo or ufr and it can make the race more equal

Thx for answers

best reggards

R4R BobbY°
S2 licensed
Hi guys ;-)

Sorry didn't see that the 11 was taken ...

To avoid another problem, give me the number u want :-)
See u guys
S2 licensed
Hi guys

LFS Username: Bobbyfish
Real name: T.Dondeyne
Team: R4R

Prefered number: 11

Great organisation, See u on track