Session of Incident: Race Grid 1
Protestor's LFS Lap: 63
Timecode of Incident: 1:15:45
Your Car number:73
Protested Car number(s): 76
Brief description of incident: #076 car changed several times direction on the straight line and at the end of the straight line changed again direction for no reason almost causing a crash.
Session of Incident Race
Protestor's LFS Lap:12
Timecode of Incident 29:14 min
Your Car number:73
Protested Car number(s):075
Brief description of incident:075 M.Daszkiewicz went out of the track and after the crash on the barrier, he returned on track without any care to the cars coming, hitting me and ruining my car badly. n 75 didn't even try to brake.
Session of incident (Qual or Race):Race
mpr timecode of incident:5:12.20
Lap of incident:2
Cars involved in incident:03,13
Brief description of inciden: #13 Comes from the back and hits me, I spin and loose positions.
Session of incident (Qual or Race):Race
mpr timecode of incident:6:25.70
Lap of incident:2
Cars involved in incident:03,35
Brief description of inciden:#35 Went out of the track and when he re entered the track he didn't keep his line and went in to me.
Session of incident (Qual or Race):Race
mpr timecode of incident:1:20:19.45
Lap of incident:29
Cars involved in incident:03,08
Brief description of inciden:#08 was behind me and hit me in the back tyre and I spoun and lost positions.
Description:#02 changed his line multiple times. Finally, he blocked and pushed me into the grass.
Description:At T1 I had the inside line and had overlap. #02 doesn't hold his outside lap and causes us both to spin.