There is less grip, but also notable is the grip falloff at high slipangles. I'd estimate the grip difference from blue to green temps is around 5%. In terms of front/rear grip bias, that's a lot. It's enough to make a car that was neutral with all cold tires, understeer when the rears are green and fronts still blue.
60-65 on the inside and about up to 50 on the outnside, might be enough? Ideally there would be checks for the max for both clearances, causing the ackerman and lock sliders to refuse to move higher or at all. Example,
50deg/50%, clears
50deg/45%, back of inside wheel doesn't clear
50deg/55%, front of outside wheel doesn't clear
The biggest factor, especially with more power, is the way and degree to which the tires lose grip from heat.
I do. Driven with a sim wheel, they have a bit more grip and respond better in various situations.
Depending on the ackerman setting, the XRG does have enough power to drift 1st-2nd gear on <60 road normals. The larger rear tires and fronts being cold (they usually are) hurt it most.
High ackerman is generally more stable, but it can be deceptively numb. Low ackerman is more communicative, and can be more demanding.
Less is better for low power, low speeds, tight spaces, or maximum response/grip.