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S3 licensed
i mean, they made 2 wheelers and 3 wheelers, so 6 and 8 wheelers should be easy
is there any way to have virtual racing lines on bikes
S3 licensed
I've been trying out bikes but without racing lines i am finding it slow and difficlt.

is there any way to force the game to generate racing lines for them?
S3 licensed
Quote from Lucas McFly :try
- LFS_restart.exe
- delete cfg.txt, card_cfg.txt


See in the "deb.log" file "numbers of adapter" and

alternatively, change the value of "adapter select" to 1

there is no "card_cfg.txt" i used ctrl-f and it did not show, and i cannot run .exe files natively because im on linux.

the numbers of adapters was 1
S3 licensed
Quote from Lucas McFly :What graphics card do you see in the options ?

i said a gf 8800
S3 licensed
im on ubuntu 20.04

the card is a sapphire nitro+ oc rx6600 xt

evert single thing besides lfs recoginises it as a 6600xt

i have the latest drivers from AMD, and it runs fine in evry other game ive tested
Last edited by Grechin, .
AMD RX 6600 xt mistaken as Nvidia ge force 8800
S3 licensed
the game runs at 4-6 fps, whle it ran smoothly on a rx 480(several years older)

Im certain I dont have a scam card - it reaches 2000 MHz, much more than 8800's 700

does anyone know how to fix this as im pretty certain that because the game is treating the card wrong it is very slow

SOLVED: i used lutris and it works fine now
Last edited by Grechin, .
S3 licensed
slicks on a xrt or lx6?
S3 licensed
Quote from tumes925semut :2021 who really drive simulator with mouse or keyboard?

people who dont wann spend 200$ on a single type of games
S3 licensed
hey does anyone know how to get it working on linux
S3 licensed
is there any way to practice the track beforehand?
S3 licensed
Team name:Grot fungus racing
Team number:28
Team car:XFG

Grechin (Grechin)
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :people would instantly make silverstone , imola, and more licensed tracks this way . hence the issue with licensing yet again !

If these not for gain but for "amusement" then there wont be too much trouble. Many places follow laws such as this.
S3 licensed
Quote from racerss :Wrote a detailed thread here:

Hope this suits you.

I'm afraid it doesn't. this makes your mouse a joystick, which is cool and all, but very, very strange.

do you know the 'button control rate' when you are turning with keyboard, I'd just like that added to whatever throttle and break is for mouse control
S3 licensed
Quote from DataFi :isn't this possible with the "Button control rate" setting in controls?

this only works for steering, and even with this button steering is well.. not fun( it consists of crashing into many, walls)

I'd like this, but for throttle and break, when using mouse steering mode.

Edit: it also needs settings for both break and throttle
Last edited by Grechin, .
Mouse control fix
S3 licensed
With mouse control, it is not discreet, so spins or break locking are easy;due to instant full throttle or break

most users use a wheel or at least a controller, so this is not a problem for many, but for those who cant afford a wheel, this is a problem.

The idea is simple: have an option that makes the first x seconds move up, in stages to full throttle.

seconds |0.05|0.10|0.15|0.20|0.25|0.30|0.35|0.40|0.45|0.50|
throttle : |10%|20%|30% |40%|50%|60%|70%|80%|90%|100%|

this will reduce the need for ABS and make the game more accessible(even more than it already is!)

edit: Ive done some experimentation, and separate rates for each car for both throttle and break
Last edited by Grechin, .
S3 licensed
a set of LMP cars
S3 licensed
"I want the rims to be added to the game, not with a different program"
just seems like a pretty useless update to me
A track editor
S3 licensed
I know, I know, this has been said 1,001 times before. However, there's one huge bonus - you don't have to worry about the copyright strikes that you might gain from modded tracks being copied from other games, however if you were to make an in-game editor for tracks, then the modding community would quiet down. This would bring attraction to lfs and would , if lfs s3 only, bring you quite a bit of money( from me at least ), and make many, many lfs players happy.

However, you should probably lock it to s2 or s3 as some people would make copies of the in-game tracks, reducing the demand of licenses.

This update would be a huge undertaking, and would be a large update with lots of playtesting(buildtesting?),but would be an amazing update. Nordshliffe anyone?
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :Yes and no. Maybe it is, but:

So, probably after the big update (physics and graphics) the game will still remain beta (early access).

All right this makes sense, so that updates will come faster.

also, when is the predicted date of the update?
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :Only as Early Access... but LFS is not ready for that too (yet). Big grin

so lfs Isn't even an early access yet?
LFS on steam
S3 licensed
This would not only benefit players, but the devs, ho would get more money from the game

more players would make the game have better multiplayer, and might be a incentive for more updates
The first blackwood turn and shortening the first straight.
S3 licensed
Often I find myself racing on blackwood and the first turn is a terrifying ordeal-around 1/3 of the starts have some kind of crash as the drivers jostle for position.

you could reduce speed by having a much shorter straight or a chicane