In blender, my model has around 172,000 something verts, I am interesting in knowing how to lower the amount of verts without absolutely demolishing the whole thing
I am currently struggling with having too many vertices on every obj i import and i cannot find any simpler ones, and it's quite hard to find any templates on the forum to edit to make an open wheel mod with too.
RIP NathanE he was banned for the traction. Well at least I won't run up on people driving the F08 with TC when I get S3, I heard it hard to drive with a keyboard due to the instant torque and no TC, so it seems that would kill a lot of racing.
Ok, how do I do that? Like is the mouse closer to the steering wheel? Sounds good I practice after my exams that's why I haven't gotten S3 yet but thanks.
Hey all
I am planning to get an S3 license this summer.
I use the keyboard so what advice do you have for online racing?
And using every car that isn't in Demo