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Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
High Five!
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from rane_nbg :Hope dies last Smile

This hope will outlive us all, i fear
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
RE12 is a fake account from one of the devs. And This Thread is a part of one huge marketing campain.:hypnotize
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :Well to be honest you cant compare netkar to lfs, you are talking about 1000+- netkar drivers to 20,000+- lfs drivers. 2 different worlds imho, maybe im wrong, maybe not...

yeah.. so the calculation would be like:
Racers = Rn
suffering-factor = suf
Pain = Rn*suf

Seems logical to me
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
^^i believe more and more that Rockingham and the VW is going to be released as S3 content. If it is so.. well, it is ok. LFS is good Work and maybe the Guys want some fresh money for their work. In fact it is very cool, that we get that much for the price.

BTW: It drives me nuts, that a well known firm take 12$ for a "Demoversion" of an GPL Mod. I am ready to pay 12$ for the Nordschleife in LFS! ..ok enough offtopic
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from mdmx :
I haven't played LFS for over a year, probably biggest reason is it's quite hard to find good races anymore.

Jeah.. This could be fixed by adding of popular Racetracks to LFS to get the interest of the simRACERS (and not drifters/cruisers and similar racingkillers :P). I guess a Strategy for cultivating a Racing spirit over the content would be a solution. For example: I like the XRT very much but unfortunatly it makes LFS popular as a good Drift-Game. So more GTR cars would be a solution.
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
I think that X-Sim is not a good solution. I do not understand why people use it for their Dashboard-Projects. Because LFS comes with OutGauge functionality stuff. However... ^^the Speed should be more then one Byte if you want to display more then 255 km/h ;-)
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Why can't the devs just say a definite yes/no if the patch is getting released before New Year this year?

The Question is: If the Devs say "this year" or "next year" or "early next year" , would you belive it?
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
I never say sorry
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
after christmas is before christmas
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Demo Racer opinions don´t count. Get out of my sight! :P
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Awesome Work!
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :Crysis on wheels :clapclap:

That sounds almost like "Women Drivers" if you know what i mean :static:
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from Jadran :
Some pictures here: ... wtopic.php?f=7&t=1215 but on Croatian language

I can´t see the pictures because i am not registred on

I have a Arduino Uno since a couple days and i dont know how to send data to the Arduino.

Thank you very much for your Gear Indicator sources. I learned much from it!
I builded a rpm Indicator using 10 LEDs and the Arduino Uno, which is connected through USB with the PC. I will post some stuff about it in the comming days.

Last edited by Martin Deutschland, .
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from boycey10802002 :Hey guys.
Got LFS working tonight with an Arduino and the RPM values on a Servo.
Working on making it flexible with other data streams (Speed, Turbo, etc.) and to get it working with Aircore Instruments.


I want to see it
today I ordered a arduino uno - insim, i coming!
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from ATHome :[...]the patch will be out tomorrow with the Scirocco, Rockingham, an new car and the new physics[...]

The Patch will be released tomorrow?! wooohooooo!
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
I would like to know why the release is taking so long.
Is it because the developement is such hard or is it because of some business issues?
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from Xenix74 :I see you accept an Illusion of Physiks or dont understand what a sim is

Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
This Thread has nothing to do with "Tyre Physics Progress Report". Maybe this is the best proof, that there is no progress at all.
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from Uke :Early 5020.

Do you guys think, Scawen knows that he should better work on the physics for flying cars? Oh boy! All the whole work - for the trash now!
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from ATiRAGEPRO :

NAPPA: "What?? Nine thousand?? there's no way that can be right!!"

Good one!

i spent 150 + 30 € (Momo Racing Wheel + S2) since 2003
Oh btw... my Wheel is broken since approx 2008.
I going to buy a G25, when S3 comes out.
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
then shut the comic sans up!
sorry, i could not resist...
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Stop whining, S3 is here and I got it.

Proof is in my attatched screenshot.

Can you post the download-link? Because for some reason, the developers do not want to post it.
Martin Deutschland
S3 licensed
lx8 would be great.
The other versions are to fast... at least they looks to fast