Hello! Unfortunately, this mod hasn't been updated in quite a long time, I don't even have his files anymore, so I'm afraid that it isn't going to receive any updates regarding the skin/template bugs any time soon.
hello, i am indeed thankful for you pointing that out , some of those bugs wer3ealready been noticed by myself but i was still puzzled trying to fix those issues.
Sadly though my pc almost caught on fire and i don't have enough money to buy a new one right now , but i'll be sure to do some investments on a new pc and for sure fimd someone who call fix all the existing issues on the car 3D model (sorry for if any mistakes on my writting , lfs website is very glitchy on cellphones atm)
So , as you guys problably noticed , the process of developing of the MRF02 is going very slow compared to other mods and that was one of my biggest fears.
I ran out of time to work on it so unfortunately the MRF02 os going to take longer to be finished.
Thanks for your Feedback! Some of those issues are already on my target to be fixed, just dont have too much time on my hands to work on them, but i'll get them fixed as soon as possible! About the leds on the steering, this is just a place-holder i'm already looking for a better steering wheel
Session AND SERVER of Incident: Race Session , Main Server.
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident: Lap 1 , 4:12.48.
Car(s) involved: Car 55 and Car 44
Location of Incident: Turn 4
Brief Description of Incident: Car 44 made huge contact with Car 55(me) during braking.