I also like Bob's suggestion of using a percentage instead of a set time, this would even things out for longer / shorter tracks.
The idea (from a dMr perspective) is just to exclude those who are a danger to themselves. Slow, noob, or whatever drivers with the right approach should not have a problem reaching our proposed cut off.
Also not mentioned much other than in post 1, is the possibility of allowing all connection’s to the server during qualifying, with the enforcement only coming into play when a race starts. (Although qualifying isn't really the place for practice.)
If it’s possible to enable / disable the ‘feature’
live, the first few hours of an evening could allow all comers, with the kick being enforced at a set time / admin’s prerogative. This would mean that those enjoying some good racing (including first timers, and those of a lesser ability) could continue with their evening’s (day, night etc) enjoyment, without the need for the server to go private.
We have people with a broad range of abilities racing on the dMr server, and welcome noobs as well as experienced racers.
I expect that the proposed ‘feature’ would be used on some server’s to exclude all but the fastest racer’s, but I would also expect to see some servers which are currently private to go public as it becomes possible to have pickup races without them being spoiled by people who should really do some offline practice first. The usual kick / ban tools would still be available for those who are just complete idiots intent on spoiling others racing.
Just my penny's worth. (It could still be a bad idea......
debate, debate)