Entry Number: 51
Car Selection: FXO
Driver Side: Right
Real Name: Gary Martyn
LFSWorld Name: Garazion
Team Name: Scuderia GP Team
Nationality: English
Notes: Hope to take part in all races
Didnt see it in the rules, probably too late for this years trophy, but perhaps implement a safety car for next year, cars that actually crash should let there car crash and not spectate mid-crash as you cant do that in real life, and if they are unable to move/continue a safety car should then get deployed to remove the car off the track where they can then spectate?
What kind of team are you looking for? Racing Team
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: FXO on any Fern Bay Track or South City
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Usually within a couple of seconds of WR
How Active Are You? 3-4 Times a Week
What Kind of Control do you use? Mouse User
Time Zone: GMT +0