Hello, not sure if I'm in the right forum, but I have some questions.
So, I've got banned from JAR server for 3 days, tho I acctually do not understand why did this happened, as far as I understand there where no need for a ban or even a kick. I'm fine not playing for 3 days, but I would be happy if someone from "Just a Ride" community would respond and clear things out. As of this time being and from what I can see, I've got banned for no valid reason. If someone could respond to this and unban me or just tell me what indeed had happened I would be very happy.
Short form of what happend - this was just another cruise and some guy rammed into me and spun me out, did not apologiesed, I went on, just further in the back of the hole cruise, when cruise was in some sort of parking lot I overtook some guys and came back to the position that I was in before guy rammed me, after that i've got kicked but at the momment I thought this was just my internet, joined back in, came back to the cruise and then everything happened. I was in the very back and guys in the back weren't cruising, they were drifting and doing nonsense, in order for me to have better experience when the road was clean I overtook those few guys and got in front of one so called "cruiser" that was drifting, guy came very close to me (or even crashed into my back a bit) and started beeping, then I've got banned. Not sure if this guy was the same guy that kicked me earlier but again, as far as my understanding goes I did nothing that was worth banning, especcially for 3 days.
Thanks a lot
my username is wopebe if that's needed.
(also is there a discord of JAR?)