The thing is: Motorbikers are not just other sim-racers. In some way, it is difficult to get many people from the more modern racers back to this game.
Bikers are complete new players.
The thing with the demo is, there are no other full servers with constant races! The game needs players.
To me it´s totally underrated how good the game works with motorbikes, allthough i drive with combined breaks due to my pad.
You may also take a car out, but as you said, it´s about deciding if you buy or not. Most demo players won´t even know, there are motorbikes in the game!
Another good thing would be to put one bike in the regular(not mod) car overview, so they have a chance to know. Or a greyout kind of modlist for demo users.
I takes really long. I drove more then 100tkm on real motorbikes, maybe 10tkm in the game.
I am now slowly getting the hook, and it´s feeling just awesome real.
Don´t start with anything faster then the gixxer 400!!!
It´s all about finding lines. Once you got them, you might try faster.
The way the really fast bikes behave in terms of wheelies and small slides with occasional highsiders is just kewl.
I didn´t play so many motorbikesims.
To me as a biker, they never felt anyway like close to the real thing.
LFS is the best bike simulation I ever played.
It takes some hours to get into it. But then-)
This should get more focus!
There are a lot of bikers out there, and most of them got a little "racerblood" in them.
The bike should be in the demo, the game will get new players, which should be in our all interest.
Maybe something slow but cornering like the russian sportster.
You don´t get my point. Motorbikes will create a lot of new players. I don´t say to put more content in. I say to switch a car for a bike. A bike with good textures, which could drive the same times like a XR or XF. One of those cars should be taken out then. There is a lot of competiton on new games like assetto etc against lfs. BUT: none of these games has bikes!
Please put some Video on the Start page. With all the mods, there is a lot to show off. Bikes, Dragsters, give the new ones a little more expression about the game. Put in some good videos for a 1-2 minutes run, like that:
Take out one Car and put a motorbike in. Lets say we take one of the small cars out of demo, put in a bike with similar times for blackwood. Maybe even give the bike a little advance for the first month. The motorbikes are pretty good in the game, we might get a lot of players into the game who are interested in a motorbike simulation. A Genre which is pretty dead. Another thing, is a better show-off on the main page. Motorbikes are still kind of a secret.
I am really supprised how good the motorbikes feel. I guess it would be clever to have one, maybe 125cc, in the free trial. I guess many people would consider buying the game just for the motorbikes. And it would be fun to have some motorbike races in blackwood then-)
Please make F1 possible to respawn, like on the just ride server. Devs should make one bike for free. 125cc or so, would get them a lot of new buyers...
I am back after the mods game in the game officially. It´s still so good. Is it still possible to install a graphic and those tracks i have seen here with the version we have now?