Mackie, AFAIK sky has a 2 year deal so no need to panic just yet.
Dario has had a nightmare it is true. I am sad to hear that they have shut down the ride for now but it will be a relief to not see it in the wall 1st caution every week. True IMO he hasnt been to blame most of the time but nevertheless it was a worrying trend beginning to develop.
If his success continues in the nationwide then i would fully expect him to get another go at the start of next year. After all a top 35 in owner points was beginning to look remote for this year anyway so it will be no different to start from scratch next year.
2 of the nastiest looking crashes i have seen for quite a while to be honest on Sunday. Dennis Hobbs only dislocated his shoulder in the first race. Truly a rubberised man if ever i saw one.
1) Put the jpg skins in "skins" folder
2) Start LFS - this will convert the new skins to dds format
3) Take the converted skins from "skins" folder and move them into "skins_x"
4) Delete the remaining jpg files from the "skins" folder
I thought this was the case but i tried it previously and it didnt work This was awhile ago with std X i believe but i tried it several times with no joy.
I had found that i was redownloading all of the dSRC skins although they were all in the skinsx folder already. Luckily i had and still have a std W install and so i copy that and then patch it after making sure all of the skins i want converting are in the skins directory. then i move em to the correct install and get rid of the patched copy but this is a very clumsy method
Im not currently paying for hires downloads although i will be turning it on soon but as i have all of the dSRC skins already on my HDD (i made em ) i really dont wanna waste any1's bandwidth redownloading them.
If someone knows a way i would be grateful to find it out as i will soon be releasing some more team skinpacks and need to know the best way for the team to get them showing ingame without having to download them via LFSworld when they have already obtained them from our site.
Yep your right Orion, 300+ skins is insane, and yes it will be the last time for this, i hoping that the Devs will use a suggestion i put forward to them that will resolve this problem, we will all beable to have individual skins, but only have to skin 19 cars..lets hope..
Hehe I am hoping for something along these lines as well. Currently working through the dSRC S2 Special Edition skins. Available so far in total 29 packs x 26 skins from me since S2 launched
Happy Birthday T7R. Some cool fast guys you got there
Bogey is heading south as i type from sunny ol Scotland. Picking up Ed and myself at various service stations on the way, heading down to sunny old Oxford for a barby at Bladey's this evening.
Weather is looking good here in Coventry atm (20 mins from Whilton Mill) and i'm looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow
Indeed, when I played 1nsane online one guy (Quickie) was paralised, and could only use his head and one arm, and was amazing at he game. He beat most of the abiled bodied people.
Psycho wat was your nick on 1nsane. They are still playing on Gamespy every night.
For anyone interested in Quickie this page provides full details.
Thanks Scawen for latest patches great work as always
Encountered a problem although i believe it is my pc and not with LFS. I cannot set the file associations. When i get to the list to choose the program to open it with, i browse and find lfs.exe and click it but it doesnt appear in the list or set it, it just puts me back where i was trying to open the files with the recommended programs.
Either my list is full (cant figure out how to delete programs from it) or possibly i have some required service stopped (killed everything not required many moons ago)
Have tried with LFS open and closed. Patched direct from U to U9. Have tried all 3 file types and it is the same for all.
Downloading a set from inferno opening with LFS copys it fine so i know it is not LFS but i cannot work out why the program list doesnt work.
Anyone have any ideas. Got me stumped. I can live without it for sure but thought i would post here in case anyone else has experienced this and figured it out.
[edit] i am able to add other programs to my list it appears just not LFS so maybe it is a problem with U9.[/edit]
[2nd edit] tried U8 and it appears to be the same. Back to thinking it is my PC setup [/edit]
IIRC doesnt LFS play the latest replay upon startup if you have it enabled in the options. Surely a little tweaking ought to be able to rejig it to play the clicked replay upon startup wateva your options say.
Just a distant memory i had from Pre S1 days so i could be wrong
Put me down as another non Karting, vid cam toting member of dSRC. I'll be away early evening though as i have a date with the Motogp crowd the following day
He's not that advanced Becky. On TS recently his ratio of belches to words is frighteningly high
As for the meet, I hope to be part of the dSRC contingent previously mentioned for some of the earlier social aspects of the day. There are much more worthy drivers than myself to actually take part in the event. Can we come just to spectate? I have a video camera i can bring if thats any help?
Cant stay for the nighttime frivolities unfortunately if it is May 1st as at 8am on the 2nd I'll be looking for a space on the outside of Macleans to erect my chair ready to watch the Motogp
Prolly too late to get this in for patch U but if u dont ask u dont get
While you are looking at dedi features is there any way to add in a function from the lobby to reset the race entry list to the result of the last race.
Most fridays dSRC run team events a lot of which run Rev grids from race to race. Almost always a track change is involved between races and so someone has to write the result down and then coordinate everyone joining in the required order from the lobby screen which can be a pain in the ass
Something which would allow us to set either race result or race result rev grid from the lobby would be just the job.
If its too late for U then no worries we will keep on as we are
I think all from dSRC would like to thank Scavier for there efforts with the latest series of patches, it is much appreciated.
Personalizing skins is one way, though a lot of work for (big) teams. Doesn't take away that we've recently started working on that.
dSRC currently has 26 members i believe so i think we class as a big team.
Having produced all off the S2 skins to date for the team i can confirm that it is indeed a big job. How we have gone about it more by luck than judgement has produced highly personal skins for all members making them less piratable and IMO hasnt taken a massive amount of time.
Several factors are key.
I dont design the skins. Therefore the workload is spread between 2 members as Ian.H designs the base skin (his own naturally).
As we are using a vector based graphics package it is incredibly easy to substitute, align and change for individualities. Currently GTR and Formula classes have 3 personal details; number, Nationality flag and a personal colour. Road going cars also have the drivers name added to make 4 individualities per skin.
I am now at the stage where i can skin the team in under an hour per car even when i am fiddling lining names up for road going cars. The key is a little preperation. I have 2 prior prepared files which are invaluable.
A swatch catalogue with every members personal colour saved into it. Each swatch is named with the players name exactly as it is to appear on the skin, their number and which country flag is correct. These swatches are then ordered by country so that when i apply a flag to the skin, i can relock that layer while i produce all of the skins needed and i never have to reapply a flag more than once. The other file is simply all of the country flags displayed at the correct size and ordered to correspond to the swatch order. Simple copy and paste, a quick align and voila
As for piracy i have had several instances of people using my personal skins complete with my name on the side and frankly it makes me LOL.
Very flattering tbh especially for someone renowned IRL as having the creativity of an Ant
I can understand with team skins it is a different issue slightly. I think that having a link on your site screaming get me is asking for it a little but thats just my opinion. I think you can find links to our skin packs in our forum somewhere but AFAIK everyone has uploaded to LFSworld and people get them from that. The skins i am producing are all in the <400kb range anyway so you get the hires version from LFSWorld
I remember one instance of someone using one of our skins on our server but tiny :margesimp soon sorted him out. As he failed to remove it and then rejoined still using it after being kicked i think he got a 999 dayer illepall
Sorry No that is the solution to the MSFFB pedal axis issue.
Put DXtweak in
Select the RZ axis which for me had a big step in the middle as you said. Adjust axis to get a nice smooth diagonal using the values from the working pedal. Save and for me was problem solved.
Hope this helps.
As for MOMO pedals there are plenty of solutions on the web but i believe the only lasting solution is to throw them in the bin and purchase a set of quality pedals .
My son is 7 and he's been PC gaming since he was 3. He isnt really simming yet ie LFS but he is pretty mean at DZ on 1nsane. My 9 year old Daughter is also an 1nsaniac although all she is playing atm is the sims 2
My sons had a go on LFS many times but he hasnt really got the hang of braking without using the walls. Too much Burnout i guess illepall I have seen him finish less than a lap down on a 20 lapper at Tona on Nascar 2k3 now i think of it so i guess i was unfair on him above when i said he isnt simming yet