I had an arduino (http://arduino.cc/) and a character LCD lying around, and decided to make a gauge display. The only (major) problem so far has been with getting the data from LFS.
I've tried to adapt Virtual LFS Dashboard to suit my purpose, but that hasn't worked out too well because Microsoft doesn't seem to have a copy of VB6 lying around on their server. (and VB 2008 tells me it can't upconvert and to install VB6.)
Could someone write me a program that simply unpacks and redirects the data to a serial port (selectable in a simple GUI)?
What does it mean?
I'm running a dedicated server (Z3) on a local machine, and want to connect a laptop to be able to spectate, and then my gaming pc to be able to drive (duh..)
The dedicated server window says:
Track Loaded
Host Auth: [ip of first comp]
Connect: [ip of first comp]
A new guest is connecting
<<JP>> connected (germansoccer6113)
Host Auth: [ip of other comp]
Does anyone by any chance know someone who could write a program like that for me? (And a .swf?)
If not, maybe I'll finally get around to learning XML...