Now is working, the port forwarding generator was mixing local with WAN interfaces.
I just had to change FORWARD and PREROUTING interfaces from eth0 (local) to eth1 (WAN)
My computer where I run LFS is behind a Linux Debian router.
I have there iptables firewall.
eth1 - Internet interface G_NET_IP - IP Adress I got from ISP L_NET_NAME="eth0" - LAN interface - computer where I run LFS Server. 63292 - server port
On my firewal I dont need to accept The outgoing TCP, beacuse alll my outgoing TCPs are ACCEPTED.
Still got problem with connecting my friend to my server.
My question is should CanYouSeeMe.org - Open Port Check Tool see my service running, when I have server running? http://www.canyouseeme.org/
RESULT: Error: I could not see your service on $G_NET_IP on port (63392)
Reason: Connection refused