I honestly do not understand why some people in this game/simulator get so mad over people who just want to jump on the track and drive a few laps with some friends. That's all that happens on a cruise server, theirs no secret conspiracy to ruin lfs and destroy all racing servers.
If you guys are scared of seeing a cruise server at the top of the server list then just turn cruise servers off. At the end of the day they're showing more people online on lfs that's all. And it's more income for the devs to develop the game.
To be frank some of the cruisers on cruise servers are some of the fastest drivers that you'll ever meet on lfs. I know some of you are going to flame me for saying this but it's the truth. Driving fast around a track with a bunch of objects all over the road is a hell of a lot harder than driving on a nice wide open track, especially when you have to deal with people driving in the other direction aswell.
For myself, i'm a member of LTC, and some of you who've seen me there back in the day will understand why I made the above statement about some cruisers being fast (don't want to sound big headed but I used to play this game alot). Anyway, LTC to me is not just about the cruise servers on LFS, we're actually a much, much bigger community than that, most of us have been gaming online for years and I can't count how many games some of us have played during that time but it's an insane amount. So, point being, most cruise servers are more about the community than the game. I for one have far more fun in teamspeak than in the game I'm playing.
Back to ontopic though. LTC also, magically, somehow manages to organise some of the biggest endurance races in LFS. Whenever LTC organises an endurance event (which none of you have probably seen if you have us disabled) we have 1 or 2 servers full for the 24 hours they last for. I, personally, find a 24 hour endurance race with a staggered start a lot more fun than a lot of these 3-5 lap quick race servers where everyone gets rammed off in the first corner.
At the end of the day there is no negative impact from having cruisers in the game. We're not nasty people, we're just people that jump on from time to time to enjoy the feel of the game and have a quick blast around the track.
PS. Sorry for the monster post but I just woke up and needed something to do :P
I don't think that this has been mentioned before, I have searched but I couldn't find it.
I like how LFS has an inbuilt music player so you can listen to music whilst driving. I think it would be a nice idea if the road cars which had radios displayed the name of the song that is currently being played and maybe a little equalizer as well.
I believe this would help add to the realism of this excellent simulator (which has stolen so many hours of my life).
Might be worth is for me seeing as my g25 is dieing. Also if the lack of sequential shifter is a problem just use a g25 shifter with the g27 should work a treat.
I think this has been touched on before but since going from Z13 to Z15 i've been experiencing random sound delays such as the menu click sound and when the horn button is pressed it takes upto a second before the sound is played.
Other than this the new test patch has been running smoothly with no problems.