Unlocker or lfs pro exe cannot make the new s3 update illegal, are we 100% sure about that?
There are some changes to the way game servers work. We believe the only way to prevent piracy is to no longer release any server code at all (or even support LAN games).) I saw this post, that's why I'm asking
Turkish lira lost 130% in 2 months
and the country that plays this game the most is turkey
because it is a poor country, players usually played crack
but now the situation is different s3 came and new cars
scawen said it won't crack s3
maybe that's why turkish players should be given a chance
I've been playing this game for 10 years now I want to buy a s3 but our damn economy money is so worthless
Please make 10 dollars only for Turkish players
be sure thousands of players will give 10 dollars and buy s3
10 dollars 18 pounds shouldn't be a big difference for you rich countries