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S2 licensed
New discovery!

It's when I run LFS that my time runs like crazy!

When in windows a minute takes roughly a minute, but when I join a server, a minute takes about 45-50 secs! I can visually see the windows clock spinning faster.

So LFS must manipulate my clock somehow?
S2 licensed
Diagnostic mode, no network.
Safe mode, no graphics drivers.

Cool n Quiet off.
Fresh start, no virus scanner, no apps except LFS.. First round on the track ran ok, but then lags occured longer and longer until became unplayable.

I timed my PC clock more accurately now.. in 11 minutes it lost 10 seconds, not in 1 hour. So perhaps yesterday it lost 1 minute and 10 seconds..
EDIT: I have followed the clock some time.. and now it seems to be running correctly.. I can't figure out why sometimes it is unstable.

I also just played on 3 servers where everything was normal.. and the clock seems to be normal too now. Weird!
Last edited by g1bb0n, .
S2 licensed
Cool n Quiet is enabled in BIOS, but wasn't in use since Power Management was on "Home/Desktop" instead of "Minimal Power Management".

My ping to first 30 servers are 40-52

I have a router, connected with RJ-45

But MadCat. Maybe you are on to something. My system clock seemed to be in sync with my mobile phone clock when I watched for 3-4 minutes, but after 1 hour the PC clock was up to 10 seconds ahead.. But! I do sync with Internet Time Servers.. But then it shouldn't shift 10 seconds should it? Maybe it really does run ahead? If so, how do I fix it?

EDIT: I can see that last synchronization was 2 days ago. It only syncs once per week, so it's not due to sync. PC clock is 10 seconds faster in 1 hour. Don't know how dependent my mobile clock is though. It's a 5 year old PC, maybe clock battery is old?
Last edited by g1bb0n, .
S2 licensed
of course I have SP3, my bad.

20 AI runs "fine".. a bit slow, but nothing like online lag.. online freezes happens even with 5 players.

Connection speed is 10 mbit and 1 mbit up, and it's verified by speed testing sites.

But hey, let's focus on the FAQ.. It seems the developers know about this problem.. Only problem is I can't update my Windows ACPI, but perhaps I can update my power management some other way? That's why I installed new processor drivers, because my CPU has "cool n quiet" technology.. It's supposed to switch down the CPU when not in use.. Perhaps LFS somehow instructs it to do that?
S2 licensed
the whole game freezes.

Well.. I join a server, and spectate a car.. I see immediately that it moves jerky, but after maybe 10 seconds it suddenly says lag above the car and nothing moves, for 3-4 seconds.. Then it runs for 5 seconds and then again lag, until lag reaches maybe 7-8 seconds then it remains at that level.

If I join the game, I drive with good fps, but every 5 seconds everything freeze, network, movement, sounds, and then it drives again.

XP SP2, ATI x800XL latest compatible catalyst, AMD Athlon 3000, 2 GB RAM. Fairly dated computer, but as I said it ran fine with Demo and S2 for some days.
S2 licensed
Quote from RubenI :

Well, When i enter in a Server, i play normally, but with 5 or 6 seconds, breaks, isn't Low Fps, it is just a simple break, but annoying...
Continue playing, after some time, i start lagging like hell :| i see everyone like ' Latency ' , and i can't play with that, because i " Fck " all the server xD .
this only happen in LFS ! But, Sometime before, it was everything okey...

I have the exact same problem, and yes the FAQ says to update Windows ACPI driver, but when I do this I am told that no never version could be found when searching online, so that won't fix things.

I had no problems on same hardware for years with Demo, and no problems for 2-3 days with S2.. Then suddenly every time I join a game (not when singleplayer) i get lag, and 5-6 second timeouts, where everything freezes including sound.

I tried many things, disabling antivirus, closing CPU extensive tasks, updating AMD CPU driver.

I have a little bit suspicion on which I installed (and uninstalled again). It seemed to re-install direct x, aswell as something to do with SSE2. But I reinstalled direct x 9.0c after and still the same problem.

So, help! If not only to get my money back? :-p