Hello guys. This is my first post <3
I'm so sorry for posting here. I didn't know the true way :S
I was in the drift server and I was just playing with myself

15 or 20 mins ago f*cking crasher hit me and I said to him "please stop it or we will kick you" maybe I forgot the say "please" but anyway

Then he was trying to connect with his accounts. You can see them in the picture.
After that he was just starting ban request for everyone and he banned all drivers in the server except me and the other Turkish drivers.
I don't know why do Turkish drivers want to crash, kick, ban or breaking the rules :S
By the way I'm from Turkey
Target: same names in the picture
Reason: Ban Spam or Breaking Rules or whatever you want to say
Thank you for letting us play in our language.
Have a nice race