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S3 licensed
17/lordjaguar/Louie Jaguar/British/Shits and Giggles Racing/lordjaguar17
S3 licensed
Here is my skin D:

S3 licensed
17/lordjaguar/Louie Jaguar/GBR/Sh*ts and Giggles Racing/lordjaguar17
S3 licensed
that is rather generous! welcome back and good luck to everyone who races!
S3 licensed
I have no idea how it work but amazing work
S3 licensed
17/lordjaguar/Louie Jaguar/GBR/Shits and Giggles Racing
S3 licensed
I can see real passion and determination to get the big update out from you scawen I must say we all appreciate the effort Smile
S3 licensed
LFSW name: lordjaguar
In-game name: SGマ LordJag
Full team name: Sh*ts and Giggles Racing
Nation: Britainish
S3 licensed
Quote from Racon :There is a demo tournament where you can win an S3 licence starting this very weekend Thumbs up

Jam you are on it!
S3 licensed
have unity bean and ground height free view features and done. unnecessary imo but cool idea. not for lfs unfortunately
In race leaderboard
S3 licensed
In PedroBR's PiranMoto stream today, I noticed that the leaderboard was on the far right side of the screen, which happened because he had the virtual steering gauge on. I thought this looked better than the leaderboard without the virtual steering gauge, and if it was a toggleable feature, it could be used to see where you are and check your tyre temps at the same time. I wondered if it would be a quick and easy process to add this in the game? Feel free to leave opinions for the idea!
Team Sh*ts and Giggles Racing
S3 licensed
Team Name: Sh*ts and Giggles Racing
Server (Y/N): Yes
If yes server name: 2 servers, 1 demo used for racing and chilling, and 1 S1+ server for SGR racing leagues!
Type: Racing
Team info: Fun team and that's what it's all about. Any skill level, any age, we don't mind! Everyone is welcome!
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Anyone can join, so join discord, sign up there, Rubi will sometimes check some things which he is in charge of doing (like a minimum lap time now?), grab your name tag and get racing!
Demo/S1/S2/S3?: All welcome, races vary across all, but mainly demo Smile
Extra Info (teamtag etc) Tag: SGマ Colours: Black or White unless I think it looks cool Smile
We have a Junior team for developing drivers that you can utilise before joining full team, I don't manage it anymore but if you ask one of our clan leaders in the discord they can help you.
Last edited by LordJaguar, . Reason : update
NEW TEAM: Sh*ts and Giggles Racing
S3 licensed
Yes that's right, some random guy you have never heard of is starting a brand new team! And of course, as the name suggests, it is all for a bit of fun! Sh*ts and Giggles Racing is open to all skill levels because I am also bad at the game Smile reply to thread and join discord if you are interested in joining, or if you aren't.. I don't care Smile

Tag: [SGマ]
Colours:SG are black or white, but this will change soon to be similar to Air Attack with a junior team for new members, and your name can be black and/or white as it suits you.
Discord for more info:

I'd love for this team to be a success, I am quite an active player myself so I will do my best to keep this team alive! Much love to the LFS community, and I hope to see you on track!

LordJaguar17 Tongue
Last edited by LordJaguar, . Reason : TAG INFO UPDATES
S3 licensed
Quote from gu3st :LFS doesn't run on PPC processors nor can the PS3 run Windows applications.

trust me ive already tried lol. if it could run on linux i could jail break ps3 and then it would run... admittedly not well.
S3 licensed
Can you run on PS3? I'm writing this on one lol
S3 licensed
I'm reading this on PS3 rn, is there still not a way to play LFS on here? And I am being serious, this web browser may be crappy but it still brings me here Smile
S3 licensed
@Aleksandr_124rus do you see lots of ladas in russia? a bit off topic but i just wanted to ask
S3 licensed
I believe its all to do with politics why this war started. Its all a bit cloudy, but the USA were involved with ukraines independance, and if the agreement wasnt broken, war would not have started.

I dont mind putin, hes just an old guy who is rich and powerful. i dont really care, i can just sit and laugh. war is not fun i get that, but like everthing it has pros and cons. the civilians and innocent ppl dying isnt so nice and i think government are to blame.

overall, no i dont hate russians, i like them. their accents and culture are interesting to say the least, and learning of their history as a country is good too.
I just want to say something :)
S3 licensed
I have enjoyed reading all forums on my PS3! A bit random admittedly but its worth saying even though the website may appear newer than before, its still basic enough to be run on some crappy browser that should realisticly not be supported anymore! I only joined the LFS communit about 4 months ago, so reading the forums and archives has caught me up on the history of this wondeful game Smile

Thanks fr being a great community, and lets keep this game alive for as long as we can!
