i reinstalled the whole game twice :\ only have 1 activation left.
I Downloaded it again, upgraded to S2 then installed the patch, i also installed it to C:\LFS\ this time instead of C:\LFS\LFS\. and it seems to have worked. Thanks.
Does any one have issues with 0.6F9 S2 license? mine activates but i can't use the content. when i try to and click 'join race' it just says:
"Could not load Bear's Car
Invalid setup after decryption"
From what i can tell the new detection systems should help stop the massive bounce where your car flys from to low/soft suspension and the car driving into the ground in between frames, although i could be wrong i suppose.
But i suppose we agree on some of the same principles, but regardless I'd like a challenge in my track, and if a car does land on it's side and they get reset 1 lap down... well 4minutes is a long time to catch up XD for 2 seconds a lap for 120 laps (8 hours) ehh , maybe someone can pull it off, even if they were to beat me in the end i'd still be happy with the fun/challenge i had racing XD
Well then, you have nothing to complain about, you seem very happy crashing every lap so i'm confused about why your complaining.
also the video is before a lot of new collision detection systems so it's not really relevant, and I've been playing lfs for a long time.
how about we do the enduro like this, and see who wins,
I'd love to see a replay of you doing a lap, if you can do the first split 2 full seconds faster then me then i might consider believing you that your best off cutting
lol you mean go around the corner with out trying to cut? i'm in UFR and have never rolled on that corner; the corner doesn't even project you into nothing if your ride height isn't so low, it's just your car physically hits the bump and gets bounced.
soften your suspension a bit, and don't try to cut, after a bit of practice you'll never roll and have an exit speed of 140-155 depending how much practice you've had.
if that 155 exit speed is slow, then "but lose insane amounts of time." welps I'm gonna finish first because you rolled it Mr reckless, it's an endurance, deal with it.
As you can see in this replay i did a few days ago, first lap, i go through to corner with out cutting going 145km/h with no damage or rolling lol