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S2 licensed
Thank you
Track names
S2 licensed

I'm looking for the shortcuts of all the track names.

Like BL1 etc. Is there a list of the track names with there shortcuts?

Thank you

Greets Marc
S2 licensed
Well I've been on a lot of servers in the time that i am playing this game witch is since 2008-10-12. It's not that long as I've seen some plying this game for more then 10 years an having billions of km's on there record.

I had my share of server's going down, server's being hacked or server's that couldn't pay there host anymore. If you look at it that way, I believe i can do better than that, i have a Dutch/Belgium host that can supply me with a host and a website/forum if needed.
which i think is something very important because players need to get there info from somewhere other than the server, my own experience is that people don't see or aren't interested in messages on the server. The real deal of providing good info is usally provided by a Website of by a forum.

But coming back to your question, the server that i wanna host is a server that is a server that first of all isn't hosted by some doped up moron. I like to have a server that i run by people who actually know what they are doing. Therefor I'm going to have a file with all the rules in it posted on the site and updated every week.

The server itself has to be clean as well, as soon as your breaking the rules, your demoted or by my standards out. Not that I'm a power obsessed freak, but i like to be strict when it comes to enforcing the rules.

The hosting will be done by myself, the whole story that comes to getting a server up and running will be done by me and the support of the hosting company that i will be using.

The insim that i wanna use needs to have some features in it, like in the most insims that ive seen there is a cop system build into it. That's something i may wanna do but i wouldn't call it Cadet -> Officer. But more like Officer -> agent or something like that.

The thing that players will be doing is like in most cruise server's bringing stuff to houses and stuff. But i wanna revolutionize the concept. The thing about earning money on the server and buying cars, to me it's a good concept, but it's not being utilized good enough cause on most servers have the !send command built into it which spoils the concept by players getting money instead of earning the money in an decent way. If you have high stats in my server I'm sure you had to work for them and not getting them by friendly politics.

The insim that needs to be coded needs to be payed but not over payed. I'm willing to pay for a insim, but I'm not going to spend hundreds of euro's on an insim. And one more thing that i find very important is to talk to the one that is coding the insim, so i mean via Teamspeak, when the coder runs into problems i'd like to hear them from the coder and talk them true with him/her. The thing is, if i run into someone who gonna code an insim for me, i gotta talk to him/her in person. I don't like to receive unexpected bills from work he/she has done without consulting me. And one last thing, i prefer a Dutch or English coder cause I'm not going to have to deal with a language barrier while talking about stuff i don't understand even in Dutch or English =)

Well looks like i might have over done my "quick reply" a bit =) but you got a sketch of what I'm trying here.

Greets Marc
Looking for a Cruise insim
S2 licensed
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a cruise insim. I've been looking for a cruise insim for quite some time now. but i've not managed to find a coder that can code a insim for a team i'm trying to get together.

I know that there a lot's of cruise server's nut it's the server i want to create the most. I'm not so much into racing but more of doing things on a server than always trying to win.

I'm literally exploding with idea's for a server, but i can't code them into an insim so that's my biggest problem. I have a Server, TS server and website that i can use. Well not just yet, since i have no insim there is no point in running a cruise server but a soon as i have someone who i can trust to code a insim for me I'll have the server's up and running within a week.

please contact me if you are interested at this forum.
Leave your info in a PM so i can contact you!

Greets Marc
Permissions slightly changed
S2 licensed
Guest can now post if they want without having to register!!
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Sorry ... there are just plenty of better gaming forums out there.

It's still in the development stage

Thanks for the feedback, i can use it it helps me with developing
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :Too bad its not fully English.. Good idea otherwise.

The forum is still being developed, but i need some people to tell me what needs to be done

And if you register, you can select you own language. The forum will then be translated in the language you selected
New global gaming forum!!
S2 licensed
Heey gamers,

I'm starting a new global gaming forum and i wanna tell u guys to come and see it

The web address is

If you like it sign up!!

Invite all your friends to come and see it The forum is for all games! no one is left out

Greets Marc
Coder wanted! C++ & C# (payed!) Repost.
S2 licensed
Hello Guys!

I'm looking for a coder to code a INSIM for a server that I'm starting, everything is ready except for the INSIM. It's written in C++ but was converted to C# (for as far as i know).

I'm willing to pay the coder a sum of money for his efforts. Together with FSR Designer I'm setting up this server. We had a agreement with skywatcher122 but he didn't have the time to code for us.

So if anyone is willing to code for us, please leave a comment or PM me or FSR Designer


Fernbay Black Reverse

Written in C# or C++ (it was converted) - It's finished for +/-60%
Looking for a C# Lfs expert!
S2 licensed

I'm looking for someone who can finish a insim for me written in C#.

Thank you

Leave a comment and I'll contact you
I've got the same problem as the rest :)
S2 licensed
These are my results:


C:\Users\Marc van Zuylen>ping

Pingen naar [] met 32 bytes aan gegevens:
Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=23 ms TTL=52
Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=21 ms TTL=52
Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=21 ms TTL=52
Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=21 ms TTL=52

Ping-statistieken voor
Pakketten: verzonden = 4, ontvangen = 4, verloren = 0
(0% verlies).

De gemiddelde tijd voor het uitvoeren van één bewerking in milliseconden:
Minimum = 21ms, Maximum = 23ms, Gemiddelde = 21ms


1 69 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []
2 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms [213.75.1
4 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms [213.75.1
5 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms []
6 * * * Time-out bij opdracht.
7 23 ms 24 ms 26 ms [
8 23 ms 22 ms 22 ms [
9 24 ms 23 ms 23 ms
10 23 ms 24 ms 22 ms [130.117.2
11 22 ms 22 ms 23 ms [130.117.48
12 24 ms 22 ms 22 ms [130.117.3.
13 24 ms 24 ms 23 ms
14 23 ms 23 ms 24 ms [213.40.13
15 24 ms 22 ms 22 ms []

De trace is voltooid.

Please help me

I tried everything in the sticky post.
i can't connect to any server, so the problem is with me

Regards Marc
Willing programmer WANTED!!
S2 licensed
Last edited by Marc1100, . Reason : I've made i mistake, sorry :(
Requesting basic Cruise INSIM in TXT
S2 licensed
Hello people

I'm requesting a basic cruise INSIM for testing.

It hass to be in TXT cause i think that is the easiest way to start, cause I'm a complete novice at this but I'm willing too learn ^^

Hope you can help me

Kind regards Marc


I'm also seeking a friendly dude/lass that could help me with the setting up of my server

All help is welcome

My skype is:

and my Msn is

[email protected]
Last edited by Marc1100, . Reason : Eddited the seeking for help :)
S2 licensed
Nice i like it very much but one thing

could you change the with part in the front to something like ice blue or blue, that would be awsome

Thanks very much

Can you post or send me the skin?

Greets Marc
S2 licensed
When is the skin ready? i have'nt heard anything from anyone yet?
S2 licensed
thanks for the heads up i'll erase that then
S2 licensed
There are 4 main things i want on this skin and they are:

Thing 1:
I want a DODGE logo on the hood as well as on the roof: you can use a other logo if you want that will suite the car more, just use you fantasie and skill

Thing 2:
I want the Name DODGE on the back spoiler/wing: once more this logo, i deffenetly want this lettering.

Thing 3:
And last but not least i want the striping of the viper: ... 27dodgevipergtsacrins.jpg

else, just some logo's maybe on the sides or so i'll let you to it

Don't follow the colors that are in the pictures, take your time and you will figure it out
just combine what fits together

I hope this is enough datail, if not let me know

Kind regards Marc
Last edited by Marc1100, .
Dodge ram skin!!!
S2 licensed
Is it possible that you peeps can make a DODGE RAM skin for me?

I absolutely love dodge, and i wanne represent the brand on the server i play.

let me know if you need more details and stuf..

if you want to make one just let me know, i will do eeverything to get a DODGE skin.

oh'yeah the skin should be mage for a FXR

Kind regards Marc
S2 licensed
oké so it is allowed...

but where can i find these mods?

and i don't mean skins, they don't change the contour of the car, and that what is want.

i'd love to drive a BMW, or even better a DODGE!!
Car mods?? are they allowed?
S2 licensed
hi there..

i'm new to this gig and i've been racing for about 3 weeks now.

but i find the standard cars in LFS become a little boring.

so i was wondering, is it allowed and possible to chabge theese cars?

greets Marc
S2 licensed
Do you have more of these skins for other cars? i like them and wanne use them on other cars
John deere skin for the RB4
S2 licensed
hello there

i am requesting a skin for the RB4.

A johndeere skin

this link are some pictures of what i mean ... N&tab=wi&biw=1366

This i my first request, so if i'm not in the right thread, don't be to harsh on me. I'm willing to coöperate

Greets Marc a.k.a NoxDevil.